
Slots games server.

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Slot server

GitHub release Hits-of-Code

Slots games server. Provides functionality for Megajack, Novomatic, BetSoft, and some others slot games.

How to build

  1. Install Golang of last version.
  2. Clone project and download dependencies.
  3. Build project with script at task directory.

For Windows command prompt:

git clone https://github.com/slotopol/server.git
cd server
go mod download && go mod verify

or for Linux shell or git bash:

git clone https://github.com/slotopol/server.git
cd server
go mod download && go mod verify
sudo chmod +x ./task/*.sh

Then web-service can be started:

slot_win_x64 web

Architecture and logic

Database. Service reads common database tables on start and store to database only changes. Service instance oriented on monopoly usage of it's database.

Clubs. There is can be served several clubs. Each club have its own undepended bank, jackpot fund with rate to this fund from spins, and deposit. Bank of club is current balance of club to which arrives coins from users spins, and from which they gets a wins. There is have linkage of users wins to bank: if bank have not enough coins to pay the win during users spins, this win combination will be skipped. Deposit of club does not used in games, it can be useful to transfer the coins from bank to fix the yield.

Users accounts. Accounts have registrations data only. Each account can be associated with several clubs. Each user can have individual balance to gamble for each club, and individual access rights.

How to use HTTP API

Any API endpoints can receive data in JSON, XML, YAML, or TOML format, depended by Content-Type header. If Content-Type header not given, JSON will be used to decode as default. Accept header if it given, defined response data format. If it absent, will be used same format as at request.

In most cases used POST-method of HTTP.

Any error response have HTTP status >= 400 and object at body contains what field with message and unique source point error code.

Without authorization

First of all you can get a list of games supported by server. This call can be without authorization.

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET localhost:8080/gamelist

The response can be followed:


/ping, /servinfo and /memusage, /signup and /signin endpoints also does not expects authorization.


There is supported basic authorization and bearer authorization (with JWT-tokens). Authorization data can be provided by 4 ways: in header Authorization, at query parameters, at cookies, and at post form.

Basic expects credentials pair email:password encoded in unpadded base64 encoding for URL (see RFC 4648).

Bearer works with two HS256 JWT tokens - access token and refresh token. Access token should be provided in all cases except refresh call. When access-token expires, it should be replaced to refresh-token for refresh-call.

In /signin call password can be given by two ways:

  1. Explicitly at field secret as is.
  2. By HMAC SHA256 hash and temporary public key.

In second case it should be string in field sigtime with current time formatted in RFC3339 (can be with nanoseconds). And at field hs256 it should be hexadecimal HMAC formed with algorithm SHA256 with this current time as a key, and password, i.e. sha256.hmac(sigtime, password). Allowed timeout for public key is 2m 30s.

  • Sign-in, and use token from response with any followed calls.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"email":"player@example.org","secret":"Et7oAm"}' -X POST localhost:8080/signin

You can use token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJzbG90b3BvbCIsImV4cCI6NDg2NzQ0NzYxNywibmJmIjoxNzA2NjQ3NjE3LCJ1aWQiOjN9.6g2Hig9ErG8IbvzkPppry5F8HJsMunZPwuQzmetGh4c for test purpose, it given for user with UID=3 on 100 years. Replace {{token}} at samples below to this value.

  • When your access token expires (you can get response with 401 status code), use refresh-call with refresh-token to get new tokens pair.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer {{token}}" -X GET localhost:8080/refresh

Join and play the game

  • Join to game. GID received at response will be used at all calls for access to this game instance. Also you will get initial game state, and user balance at this club.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer {{token}}" -d '{"cid":1,"uid":3,"alias":"jokerdolphin"}' -X POST localhost:8080/game/join
  • Change selected bet lines. Argument sbl is a bitset with selected lines, 1st bit in bitset means 1st line. So, value 62 sets lines 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer {{token}}" -d '{"gid":1,"sbl":62}' -X POST localhost:8080/game/sbl/set
  • Make a spin. Spin returns sid - spin ID, by this ID it can be found at the log; screen with new symbols after spin; wins with list of win on each line if it was; fs - free spins remained; gain - total gain after spin, that can be gambled on double up; wallet - user balance after spin with won coins.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer {{token}}" -d '{"gid":1}' -X POST localhost:8080/game/spin
  • Double-up. If presents gain after spin, it can be multiplied by gamble. mult at argument is multiplier, and it will be 2 for red-black cards game. Returned gain will be multiplied on win, and zero on lose. wallet represents new balance of user.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer {{token}}" -d '{"gid":1,"mult":2}' -X POST localhost:8080/game/doubleup
  • Collect the gain. After win on spin, or after double-up gain can be collected. In most cases it will be collected automatically on new spin.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer {{token}}" -d '{"gid":1}' -X POST localhost:8080/game/collect
  • Get current state of game.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer {{token}}" -d '{"gid":1}' -X POST localhost:8080/game/state

Work with user account

Any calls for some user account can be done by another user with admin access level.

  • Register new user. E-mail and secret key (password) are expected, name can be omitted. Receives user ID on success.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"email":"rob@example.org","secret":"jpTyD4","name":"rob"}' -X POST localhost:8080/signup
  • Rename user.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer {{token}}" -d '{"uid":3,"name":"erigine"}' -X POST localhost:8080/user/rename
  • Change secret key.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer {{token}}" -d '{"uid":3,"oldsecret":"Et7oAm","newsecret":"pGjKsd"}' -X POST localhost:8080/user/secret
  • Delete user. Delete-call removes account from database, move all remained user's coin to deposit, and removes all users games from database.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer {{token}}" -d '{"uid":3,"secret":"Et7oAm"}' -X POST localhost:8080/user/delete

(c) schwarzlichtbezirk, 2024.