NEAR Contribute

This smart contract serves as an extension to SocialDB to maintain the entity <> contributor relations. One can relate this to the LinkedIn graph of employment in Web2.

Project structure

This repository contains multiple key directories, namely:

  • contract: this is where the smart contract code lives
  • seed: this is a script for ingesting seed data into the deployed smart contract
  • widgets: this is where the front-end/BOS widget code lives


The Entity is the core object, that augments the information in SocialDB with the specific context that this AccountId represents an entity.

EntityKind represents what kind of entity this is:

  • Project - A Web3 project, that can exist independently of legal organizations
  • Organization - A legal organization
  • DAO - Something between a project and an organization, managed by people


Function Description Permissions
set_moderator(moderator_id: AccountId) Sets new moderator account Moderator
set_entity(account_id: AccountId, entity: Entity) Sets full information about entity for given account Moderator
add_entity(account_id: AccountId, kind: EntityKind, start_date: Timestamp) Add new entity of given kind (project, DAO, organization) and start date. Automatically adds the creator as contributor will full permissions to edit Anyone
admin_add_entity(account_id: AccountId, founder_id: AccountId, name: String, kind: EntityKind, start_date: Timestamp) Adds a new entity like the previous function, but instead of using the predecessor account as founder, uses founder_id Moderator
get_entities(from: Option<U64>, limit: Option<U64>) Fetches all the entities from the state. (Optionaly paginates if params given) Anyone
get_entity(account_id: AccountId) Gets details about a specific entity with a given account ID Anyone
get_admin_entities(account_id: AccountId) Fetches all the entities that a given account ID is admin of Anyone
check_is_entity(account_id: AccountId) Checks if the given account ID has a entity registered to it Anyone
invite_contributor(entity_id: AccountId, contributor_id: AccountId, description: String, contribution_type: ContributionType, start_date: U64, permissions: HashSet<Permission>) Invites a contributor to a entity Permission::Manager or above
accept_invite(account_id: AccountId) Accept the invite for contributing to entity with given account ID Contributor who the invite is sent to
reject_invite(account_id: AccountId) Reject the invite for contributing to entity with given account ID Contributor who the invite is sent to
get_entity_invites(account_id: AccountId) Fetches all the invites sent by the entity with given account ID Anyone
get_contributor_invites(account_id: AccountId) Fetches all the invites sent to the contributor with given account ID Anyone
get_invite(entity_id: AccountId, contributor_id: AccountId) Gets details about a specific invite with a given entity and contributor IDs Anyone
request_contribution(entity_id: AccountId, description: String) Request to contribute to given entity. Anyone
register(contribution_types: HashSet<ContributionType>, skills: HashSet<String>, resume: String) Register as a contributor using the provided details Anyone
edit_contributor(contributor: Contributor) Edit your contributor profile with all the details Anyone
get_contributors() Fetch all the contributors stored in the state Anyone
check_is_contributor(account_id: AccountId) Check if the given account ID is registered as a contributor Anyone
get_contributor(account_id: AccountId) Get the details of a contributor with the given account ID Anyone
get_contribution_types() List out all the contribution types available in the contract Anyone
post_contribution_need(entity_id: AccountId, description: String, contribution_type: ContributionType) Create a new need for given entity with a description and type Permission::Manager or above
set_contribution_need(entity_id: AccountId, cid: String, need: ContributionNeed) Update a need for given entity Permission::Manager or above
get_contribution_needs() Fetch all contribution needs Anyone
get_entity_contribution_needs(account_id: AccountId) Fetch all contribution needs from the given entity Anyone
get_admin_contribution_needs(account_id: AccountId) Fetch all contribution needs the given account can manage Anyone
get_contribution_need(account_id: AccountId, cid: String) Get the details about the given need Anyone
check_if_need_proposed(account_id: AccountId, cid: String) Check if the given need has a proposal from the predecessor account Anyone
request_contribution(entity_id: AccountId, description: String, contribution_type: ContributionType, need: Option<String>) Propose a contribution to a entity as a contributor Anyone
accept_contribution(entity_id: AccountId, contributor_id: AccountId, description: Option<String>, start_date: Option<U64>) Accept a contribution proposal/request. (Optionaly update description and start date) Permission::Manager or above
reject_contribution(entity_id: AccountId, contributor_id: AccountId) Reject a contribution proposal/request Permission::Manager or above
finish_contribution(entity_id: AccountId, contributor_id: AccountId, end_date: U64) Mark a contribution as ended and add a end date Permission::Manager or above
get_conrtibutor_contributions(account_id: AccountId) Fetch all the contributions this contributor is participating in Anyone
get_entity_contributions(account_id: AccountId) Fetch all the contributions this entity is participating in Anyone
get_need_contributions(account_id: AccountId, cid: String) Fetch all contributions for the given need Anyone
get_contribution(entity_id: AccountId, contributor_id: AccountId) Get the details about the given contribution Anyone
get_entity_contribution_requests(account_id: AccountId) Fetch all the contribution requests Anyone
get_contributor_contribution_requests(account_id: AccountId) Get the details about the given request Anyone
get_admin_contribution_requests(account_id: AccountId) Fetch all the contribution requests the given account can manage Anyone
get_need_contribution_requests(account_id: AccountId, cid: String) Fetch all contribution requests for the given need Anyone
get_conrtibution_request(entity_id: AccountId, contributor_id: AccountId) Get the details about the given request Anyone