
A collection of demo cross-chain applications to onboard developers onto building with Polymer and IBC.

Primary LanguageSolidity

Demo dApps for Polymer

Welcome to the official repository for Polymer demo applications! This repository serves as a centralized hub for both official (maintained by the Polymer Labs team and used in the official docs) and community-contributed demo apps, showcasing the capabilities and use cases of Polymer x IBC interoperability.

Repository Structure

This repository is divided into two main directories:

  • /polymer-labs-official: Contains demo applications maintained by the official maintainers of Polymer. These demos are used in the official documentation and are regularly updated.

  • /community: A vibrant space for community members to contribute their own demo apps. There are two ways to contribute: by adding code directly to this repository or by linking to your own repository.

Cloning git Submodules

This repo depends on Polymer's vibc-core-smart-contracts which are tracked as git submodules.

When cloning the repo, run this command additionally:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Contributing to the Community Directory

We welcome and encourage contributions from our community! Here’s how you can contribute:

Option 1: Direct Contribution

  1. Fork the Repository: Start by forking this repository.
  2. Add Your Demo App: Place your demo app in the /community directory (separate directory for your project).
  3. Create a Pull Request: Once you've added your demo, create a pull request to the main repository with a detailed description of your app.

Option 2: External Repository Reference

If you prefer to maintain your demo in your own repository, you can add a reference to it in the explore-apps.md file you'll find in the /community. This contains curated list of community projects. It includes references to projects maintained in the /community directory and links to external repositories.

Option 3: Adding as a Git Submodule

To add your repository as a git submodule:

  1. Clone the Main Repository: If you haven't already, clone this repository:
    git clone [Main Repository URL]
  2. Add Your Repository as a Submodule:
    git submodule add [Your Repository URL] community/[Your Project Name]
  3. Commit and Push the Changes:
    git commit -m "Added [Your Project Name] as a submodule"
    git push
  4. Create a Pull Request: Submit a pull request with your changes.


Contributors are the heartbeat of this project! We will add a contributors list soon to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of everyone who contributes.

Questions or Suggestions?

Feel free to open an issue for questions, suggestions, or discussions related to this repository. For further discussion as well as a showcase of some community projects, check out the Polymer developer forum.

Thank you for being a part of our community!