
Scripts that extract data from the bulk download at https://simfin.com/data/access/download

Primary LanguagePython


This is simple a class for Python (should work for both Python 2 and 3) that helps you to extract all the relevant information from the SimFin bulk download files.

Code Examples

For an example on how to use the SimFinDataset class, check the sample-extraction.py file.

In short:

Load dataset, specify filename and delimiter ("comma" or "semicolon", depending on what file you downloaded from simfin.com)

dataset = SimFinDataset('sample-data.csv','semicolon')

You can also specify a start and end date for the data points and only keep companies in the dataset that have no missing data values (due to mistakes and/or missing data) by setting the excludeMissing argument to True.

dataset = SimFinDataset('sample-data.csv','semicolon',"2011-01-01","2016-12-31",True)

Print number of indicators (for each company) and number of companies in dataset


Print company at index position 1


Print COGS values for this company (index at position 1 is COGS)


Print time periods (strings)


Print time periods (datetime objects)


Get company object by ticker



Currently the extractor only works for the "wide" data format on the SimFin bulk download page. Support for the "narrow" format will be made available in the future.

If you are having trouble getting the script to run, check the extractor with the "1comp.csv" file, as it contains only one company and should be quick to load. This one should also be easy to open in Excel if you want to look at the format of the file.

Conversion to XLSX

(not tested for Python 3)

The processSimfin.py script is used for displaying the data in the CSV in a readable .xlsx file. The script utilizes xlsxWritter to generate the xlsx files.

Created by @ranm and extended by @VitBu

You need to install xlsxWritter:

$ pip install XlsxWriter

Command line arguments are available when running --help

usage example :

 $ ./processSimfin.py --inputFile=sample-data.csv --minYear=2016

getting info of specific companies by tickers:

 $ ./processSimfin.py --inputFile=sample-data.csv --minYear=2016 --tickers=AAPL,MSFT

Available under MIT license.