
Real-time image tracking with React, GraphQL, and AWS AppSync

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Real-time image recognition

What is this?

This app will allow you to set a tracker on the types of items you'd like to detect. It will then check for movement, detect the item in the picture, and if the item is on the list of items being tracked, will display the image in an image feed.

To deploy this project

  1. Update the Amplify CLI to the latest version
$ npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli
  1. Clone the repo & install the dependencies
git clone https://github.com/dabit3/real-time-image-tracking.git

cd real-time-image-tracking

npm install
  1. Initialize & deploy the Amplify project
amplify init

amplify push
  1. Update the IAM policy associated with the Lambda function to have access to Rekognition as well as the S3 bucket (open the AWS console and open the Lambda function to see the associated role)

Function name can be found in amplify/backend/function/rekognitionfunction-<environment-name>

  1. Update the environment variables in the Lambda console: BUCKET, APPSYNC_ENDPOINT, and APPSYNC_KEY. All of these values can be found in aws-exports.js

  2. Run the project

npm start


  • React
  • AWS Amplify
  • AWS AppSync
  • Amazon Cognito
  • Amazon Rekognition
  • React Router
  • AWS Lambda

GraphQL schema

type ImageData @model
  @auth(rules: [
    { allow: public },
    { allow: private }
  id: ID!
  imageKey: String
  rekognitionData: String
  imageTypes: [String]

type Query {
  process(imageKey: String!): ImageData @function(name: "rekognitionfunction-${env}")

Lambda function:

const AWS = require('aws-sdk')
AWS.config.update({region: 'us-east-2'})
const rekognition = new AWS.Rekognition()
const axios = require('axios')
const gql = require('graphql-tag')
const graphql = require('graphql')
const { print } = graphql
const uuid = require('uuid/v4')

const saveData = gql`mutation CreateImageData($input: CreateImageDataInput!) {
  createImageData(input: $input) {

exports.handler = function (event, context) { //eslint-disable-line
  var params = {
    Image: {
      S3Object: {
        Bucket: process.env.BUCKET, 
        Name: "public/" + event.arguments.imageKey
    MaxLabels: 10, 
    MinConfidence: 70

  rekognition.detectLabels(params, function(err, data) {
    if (err) {
    } else {
      const rekognitionData = JSON.stringify(data)
        url: process.env.APPSYNC_ENDPOINT,
        method: 'post',
        headers: {
          'x-api-key': process.env.APPSYNC_KEY
        data: {
          query: print(saveData),
          variables: {
            input: {
              imageKey: event.arguments.imageKey,
      .then(successData => {
        const { id, imageKey, rekognitionData } = successData.data.data.createImageData
        const graphqlData = {
        context.done(null, graphqlData)
      .catch(err => context.done(err))