
Clojure client for Hashicorp's Vault secret management system.

Primary LanguageClojureOtherNOASSERTION


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A Clojure library for interacting with the Vault secret management system. Most of the non-administrative API is implemented, including the token authentication backend.


Library releases are published on Clojars. To use the latest version with Leiningen, add the following dependency to your project definition:

Clojars Project


; Pull in the main namespace and the HTTP client implementation:
=> (require '[vault.core :as vault] 'vault.client.http)

=> (def client (vault/new-client "https://vault.example.com"))

=> client
{:api-url "https://vault.example.com",
 :auth #<Atom@5cca1513 nil>
 :lease-timer nil
 :leases #<Atom@640b3e30 {}>}

=> (vault/authenticate! client :app-id {:app "my_app", :user "0000-userid-000"})
; INFO: Successfully authenticated to Vault app-id my_app for policies: my-policy
{:api-url "https://vault.example.com",
 :auth #<Atom@5cca1513 {:client-token "8c807a17-7232-4c48-d7a6-c6a7f76bcccc"}>
 :lease-timer nil
 :leases #<Atom@640b3e30 {}>}

=> (vault/read-secret client "secret/foo/bar")
{:data "baz qux"}

In addition to the standard HTTP client, there is a mock client available for local testing. This can be constructed directly or using mock as the URL scheme passed to the client constructor. The remainder of the URI should either be - for an empty client, or may be a path to an EDN file containing the secret fixture data.

=> (require 'vault.client.mock)

=> (read-string (slurp "dev/secrets.edn"))
{"secret/service/foo/login" {:user "foo", :pass "abc123"}}

=> (def mock-client (vault/new-client "mock:dev/secrets.edn"))

=> (vault/read-secret mock-client "secret/service/foo/login")
{:user "foo", :pass "abc123"}

Environment Resolution

In order to abstract away the source of sensitive configuration variables provided to code, the vault.env namespace can be used to bootstrap a Vault client and resolve a map of config variables to their secret values.

=> (require '[vault.env :as venv])

; Construct and authenticate a client from the environment. Looks for
; :vault-addr, :vault-token, :vault-app-id, etc.
=> (def client (venv/config-client {:vault-addr "mock:dev/secrets.edn"}))

=> (venv/load!
     {:foo-user "vault:secret/service/foo/login#user"
      :foo-pass "vault:secret/service/foo/login#pass"
      :bar "direct-value"}
     [:foo-user :foo-pass :bar])
{:foo-user "foo"
 :foo-pass "abc123"
 :bar "direct-value}


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