
AutoHotkey V2 class for translating text using Google Translate service.

Primary LanguageAutoHotkey


I have been looking for a way to accelerate my workflow and somehow automate the translation process - opening a translator in browser is kinda slow. I was looking for some API options but large companies like Google and Yandex don't provide free APIs. I was lucky to stumble upon a free Google Translate API which I first converted to an AHK function. The biggest problem was to parse the translation result - as it returned a JSON string without any names, just arrays within arrays. I was trying to do it without external libraries, but it was too difficult so I managed to achieve the result using TheArkive's JXON library. I wrapped the function in a Translator class, because I already had in mind the need for future translation shortcuts and different translation modes. Then I wrote the Qtslate class to implement all the things I needed for the translation script. Below you will find more information on the classes.


Translator is a static AutoHotkey V2 class based on a Google Translate API and uses TheArkive's JXON library for JSON parsing and a Clipsend function by Axlefublr. It consists of a single method and a couple of properties, used as settings.

Class contents


  • SourceLanguage
  • TargetLanguage


  • Translate


SourceLanguage - self-explanatory. Defaulted to "auto", used as a parameter for the Translate method.

TargetLanguage - self-explanatory. Defaulted to "ru", feel free to fork and change to your liking.

Translate(Text, TargetLanguage := this.TargetLanguage, SourceLanguage := this.SourceLanguage) - the main method which does the translation. Just provide a text as a parameter, the SourceLanguage and TargetLanguage properties are optional and by default as the same as the class properties.

The basic working principle is the following:

  1. Send a request to server
  2. Parse the response JSON
  3. Return translation


Below you will find a couple of examples of possible use.

Basic translation using languages from the class properties (defaults are "ru" and "auto"):

translation := Translator.Translate(text)

Let's change the target language:

translation := Translator.Translate(text, "de")

Now let's try to change also the source:

translation := Translator.Translate(text, "de", "es")


Qtslate is an extension class for the Translator which implements a few methods for a seamless integration of the Translator in your workflow. Using switch between multiple translation modes and change both source and target languages.

Class contents


  • TranslationMode
  • CurrentModeIndex
  • Languages
  • SourceLanguageIndex
  • TargetLanguageIndex


  • SwitchMode
  • CycleTargetLanguage
  • CycleSourceLanguage
  • Activate
  • ShowCurrentSettings
  • Display
  • InPlace
  • UserInput
  • FromClipboard


TranslationMode - internal array for switching between the translation modes (see corresponding methods).

CurrentModeIndex - index used to switch the translation mode.

Languages - internal array of language codes.

SourceLanguageIndex - index used to choose the source language of the text. Default is 1 ("auto").

TargetLanguageIndex - index used to choose the target language of the text. Default is 3 ("ru").

SwitchMode(backwards := false) - Method for switching Qtslate between translations methods - 'From Clipboard', 'In place' and 'User Input'.

CycleTargetLanguage(backwards := false) - Method for cycling target languages. Based on a counter to cycle through the array of languages. Skips the index #1 which is 'auto' because you must specify the target language.

CycleSourceLanguage(backwards := false) - Method for cycling languages. Based on a counter to cycle through the array of languages.

Activate() - Call a translation method based on the current translation mode.

ShowCurrentSettings() - Method to display currently active translation mode and languages.

Display(translation) - Method used by other translation modes for displaying the translated text in a new window. The Copy button can be used to copy the translation result. Otherwise, Escape button can be pressed to close the GUI.

InPlace() - Translation mode used to translate text within a text editor. For example, in MS Word you can select a word or a whole paragraph and call this method. The selection will be copied, translated and pasted in place.

UserInput() - Translation mode used to show an input box. The entered text will then be translated and displayed in a new window via Display method.

FromClipboard() - Translation mode used to translate text from the clipboard. The translation will then be displayed in a new window via Display method.


As an example I have written a Qtslagent.ah2 which is basically the ready-to-go script. The shortcuts are following:

My default settings:

#x::ExitApp - Press Win+X to terminate script.

^!r::Reload - Press Ctrl+Alt+R to reload the script.

Translation forkflow:

#t::QTslate.Activate() - Press Win+T to translate text based on the default or chosen mode/languages.

#MButton::QTslate.ShowCurrentSettings() - Press Win+Mousewheel to display the currently selected mode and languages in a ToolTip.

#+t::QTslate.SwitchMode() - Press Win+Shift+T to switch between translation modes.

#+WheelUp::QTslate.CycleSourceLanguage(true) - Use Win+Shift+Mouse wheel up to cycle through source languages backwards.

#+WheelDown::QTslate.CycleSourceLanguage() - Use Win+Shift+Mouse wheel down to cycle through source languages forward.

#WheelUp::QTslate.CycleTargetLanguage(true) - Use Win+Mouse wheel up to cycle through source languages backwards.

#WheelDown::QTslate.CycleTargetLanguage() - Use Win+Mouse wheel down to cycle through source languages.