
A collection of Node web application utilities developed for the Meetup web platform

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Web platform

This is the base platform for serving Meetup web apps including the public website and admin. It provides a Hapi webserver and a set of conventions for composing applications with React + Redux.

In general, application-specific code will live outside of this package.



The server module exports a startServer function that consumes an array of Hapi routes, a connection configuration object, and an array of Hapi plugins to register, all provided by the specific web application.


import startServer from `meetup-web-platform/server';

// ...

startServer(routes, connection, plugins);

API Adapter

When the application server receives the JSON-encoded array of queries, it uses an API adapter module to translate those into the configuration needed to fetch data from an external API. The application server is therefore the only part of the system that needs to know how to communicate with the API.

This adapter is used to proxy all requests to /api.

From the client-side application's point of view, it will always send the queries and recieve the queryResponses for any data request - all the API-specific translations happen on the server.


Auth middleware/auth.js

in development - API will provide most auth needs

Auth/login requires side-effect interaction with an authentication server, which has an endpoint distinct from the regular data API - the current branch implements it as part of the API server, responding to requests to /api/login.

on LOGIN_REQUEST, which provides credentials

  1. Format credentials for API using a query for login
  2. Make API call
  3. Trigger LOGIN_SUCCESS containing API response (could format before triggering action if needed)
  4. Write auth cookie to maintain login across sessions

on LOGOUT (no attached data)

  • delete auth cookie (not currently implemented)
  • clearing local state is not a side effect, so it's handled directly by the auth reducer in coreReducers

Sync middleware/sync.js

This middleware is currently only responsible for fetching the data from the API server on initial render or client-side user navigation.

on server/RENDER or LOCATION_CHANGE, which provide a location (URL):

  1. Match location to defined routes and extract the renderProps like URL path and querystring params
  2. Check routes for query functions that return data needs, and process them into an array
  3. Trigger API_REQUEST containing the queries

on API_REQUEST, which provides queries:

  1. Send the queries to the application server, which will make the corresponding external API calls.
  2. When the application server returns data, trigger API_SUCCESS action containing API response array and query array
  3. If the application server responds with an error, trigger API_ERROR

Interesting feature: navRenderSub is a Rx.SerialDisposable, which means that when a user navigates to a new page, any "pending" API requests will not be processed. This is a Very Good Thing because it means that we won't be calling API_COMPLETE for a page load that is no longer applicable. A similar tool is used for the AuthMiddleware so that only one login request can be processed, but it's less likely to be an issue there since it's rare that users would be trying to log in repeatedly without waiting for previous login requests to be processed.

Cache middleware/cache.js

The cache middleware provides optimistic state updates for any data specified by active route queries, similar to the SyncMiddleware, but using locally cached data rather than an API. It is client-side only, and it does not suppress data fetched from the server - it simply pre-empts it before the API response returns and overwrites everything with the latest server data.

on API_REQUEST, which provides queries for the requested route

  1. For each query, use the JSON-encoded query as a key into the cache
  2. Format responses from the cache to look like API responses
  3. Trigger CACHE_SUCCESS containing the cache hits

on API_SUCCESS, which provides fresh info from the server

  • make an entry in the cache with key as the JSON-encoded query and the value as the corresponding response

The cache is stored locally in the user's browser using IndexedDB so that it will survive multiple sessions. All API queries are stored, and the data is refreshed each time the query is re-requested.

In dev, be aware that the cache may be masking failed API requests - keep your network dev tools open and watch the server logs to make sure you haven't broken anything. We will add tooling to make such cases more obvious in the future.

Disable cache

By design, the cache masks slow responses from the API and can create a 'flash' of stale content before the API responds with the latest data. In development, this behavior is not always desirable so you can disable the cache by adding a __nocache param to the query string. The cache will remain disabled until the the page is refreshed/reloaded without the param in the querystring.



POST API requests are handled by PostMiddleware, which provides a generalized interface for sending data to the API and handling return values. The middleware only responds to actions that have a POST_ prefix or a _POST suffix in the action type. Furthermore, the action.payload must have a Query object (with a type, ref, and params) as well as onSuccess and onError actionCreators to receive the data response from the API - they must be actionCreators because their return values will be dispatched by the middleware in the API success/error case.

Use reducers to parse the response and update application state.