Quick Pallet Client Server


Quick Pallet Client Serve it is a page web that you can to test Request to Server.

Install Git

Note: Only install git when you don't have it installed on your computer

# update package into computer
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install git -y

Clone Project

With the following command, a clone of the project to the current folder is performed

# clone project into current folder
$ git clone https://github.com/kenshimota/qpm-client-server.git

Install WebSite

we does access to project folder and execute script install.

# access to folder the project
$ cd qpm-client-server/

# script install website
$ sh run-install.sh

Development Server

Script that start service server, this can change port set --port for port that need. example:

# sh server.sh --port
$ sh server.sh 4000
# deploy server in

# not have variable --port default value it is 8000 
$ sh server.sh