
Control GETH from Meteor

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

This package is for ethereum dapp development

What does this package:

  • Exports a global class named GethConnector available only on server
  • Downloads geth binaries
  • Can start geth process
  • Can connect to an ipc geth process and send json-rpc call


  • On server side create a global variable just before Meteor.startup:

  •  // for global access on server side
     gethObj = false;
     const testGeth = function () {
       // start geth process
       let started = gethObj.start();
       // waits for process to start (Future fiber)
       if (started) {
         // test ipc calls https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/wiki/Go-ethereum-management-API's
         gethObj.ipcCall('personal_listAccounts', [], (err, data)=> {
           console.log('account list ' + data);
     Meteor.startup(function () {
       gethObj = new GethConnector();
       gethObj.setLogLevel('warn'); // info is default
  • Then you can use anywhere on server side these methods:

gethObj.start(); //start geth process, you can find logs in .meteor/local/log/gethProcess.log

there are some params you can send when starting geth, these are the default ones:

gethObj.start(dataDir, testNet = true, extraOptions = ['--shh', '--rpc', '--rpccorsdomain', 'localhost'])
gethObj.stop();//stop geth process
gethObj.setLogLevel('info');//info is default; 'trace', 'fine', 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error'
gethObj.ipcCall(name, params, callback));//send json-rpc request, you can find all available methods here https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#json-rpc-methods 
  • Test this package:
VELOCITY_TEST_PACKAGES=1 meteor test-packages --driver-package velocity:console-reporter akasha:meteor-geth