
A makefile for building an ARM C++ cross compiler under Linux.

Primary LanguageMakefile

You'll need mpfr, mpc, gmp, isl, cloog, a proper build environment and anything else you don't have that's listed here.


You should be able to run make and when it's all done you'll have a working arm-none-eabi-g++ toolchain with all the fixin's. This build script uses sudo to install things so you'll either have to type your password in from time to time or you'll have to have NOPASSWD in your /etc/sudoers for your login group.

Tested on Arch Linux circa end of 2012 (and again in mid-2014). Support for building in parallel left as an exercise. (IOW, don't do make -j.) It takes just over 35 minutes and just over 3.4 GiB on my machine from start to finish.
