
Easily importable bash script to shorten popular git commands

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


git-shortcuts is an easily importable bash script to shorten popular git commands.


To install git-shortcuts for use in Unix/Linux systems, simply navigate to your terminal and run:

nano ~/.bash_profile

Whether or not your system has anything written in this file, append the contents of git-shortcuts.sh to the file, like such:

#currently within ~/.bash_profile

alias gs="git status"
alias ga="git add"
alias gaa="git add ."
alias grm="git rm"
alias gc="git commit"
alias gcm="git commit -m"
alias gpsom="git push origin master"
alias gpsot="git push origin testing"
alias gplom="git pull origin master"
alias gplot="git pull origin testing"
alias gckt="git checkout testing"
alias gckm="git checkout master"
alias gbr="git branch"
alias grao="git remote add origin"

alias br=". ~/.bash_profile"
alias bp="nano ~/.bash_profile"

Then, simply enter ^X to exit and press y when prompted to save. Finally, reload your bash profile with . ~/.bash_profile and your changes should be set.

Once executed, subsequent bash editing only requires the shortcut bp and reloading only requires a quick br. Think of these as acronyms for 'bash profile' and 'bash reload', respectively.


All of the shortcuts here are simply acronyms or shortenings for popular git commands. For example, git status becomes gs, and more lengthy commands such as git push origin master becomes gpsom. A full list of shortcuts can be found here:

git remote add origin: grao

git status: gs

git add: ga

git add .: gaa

git rm: grm

git commit: gc

git commit -m: gcm

git push: gps

git push origin: gpso

git push origin master: gpsom

git pull: gpl

git pull origin: gplo

git pull origin master: gplom

git branch: gbr

These commands look funky, but will become second nature, I promise. The beauty here is that you can follow the simple system of bash aliasing that I've used above to help yourself create your own shortcuts. Happy bashing!