
This is a Backend APIs that provides Basic functionalities of a ToDo list application that can be integrated with front-end applications. It is built using Node.js, Express.js, MYSQl database

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Table of Contents

Project Description

This is a Backend APIs that provides Basic functionalities of a ToDo list application that can be integrated with front-end applications. It is built using Node.js, Express.js, MYSQl database


  • Task Creation: Add new tasks to your to-do list, specifying their name and due dates.
  • Task Retrieval: Retrieve all tasks as well as their statuses(completed, Not Completed, Over due)
  • Task Management: Update task details name and due date, or mark tasks as completed/uncompleted.
  • Task Deletion: Remove unwanted tasks from your to-do list.

Prerequisites (Node.js, npm, MySQL)

Installation steps Configuration for database connection Documentation for all API endpoints with request/response details


- Node.js (version 20.14.0 or higher) - https://nodejs.org/en
- npm (Node Package Manager) - (usually bundled with Node.js)
- XAMPP (version 8.2.X or higher): Download and install from https://www.apachefriends.org/


To get started with Todo List backend, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    • Using HTTPS:
      git clone https://github.com/kent250/todolist-fsa-backend.git
      cd todolist-fsa-backend
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Install And Run XAMPP Server For Database

  • Run XAMPP Installer: Locate the downloaded XAMPP installer and run it.
  • Choose Installation Options: During installation, ensure you select "Apache", "MySQL" and "PHP" components. You can deselect other components if not needed.
  • Start Apache and MySQL Services: Open the XAMPP Control Panel and click the "Start" button next to both "Apache" and "MySQL" modules.
  1. Database Import:
  • Create a Database: Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost/phpmyadmin.
  • Create New Database: Click on "New" in the top navigation bar. Enter a todolist_fsa as database name Create.
  • Import Database File: with todolist_fsa database Selected click on the "Import" tab in phpMyAdmin. Select the database file called todolist_fsa.sql file from your project root and click "Go" to import it.
  1. Running the API
  • Start the Server: Open a terminal window in the project directory and run the following command:
    node index.js

API Endpoints

This section details all available API endpoints for managing tasks in this to-do list application.

General Notes:

Create New Task

Method: POST Route: /tasks

Request Body:

Property Type Required Description
task_name String Yes The name of the task.
due_date Date Yes The due date for the task.


  • Status code 200 (OK) upon successful creation of a task.

Get All Tasks

Method: GET Route: /tasks


  • Status code 200 (OK) with a JSON array containing all tasks in the database. Each object represents a task with properties like id, task_name, due_date, and completed.

Get Single Task

Method: GET Route: /tasks/:id

Path Parameter:

Parameter Type Required Description
id Integer Yes The ID of the task to retrieve.


  • Status code 200 (OK) with a JSON object representing the single task with the specified ID.

Delete Task

Method: DELETE Route: /tasks/:id

Path Parameter:

Parameter Type Required Description
id Integer Yes The ID of the task to delete.


  • Status code 204 (No Content) upon successful deletion.

Mark Task Completed

Method: PUT Route: /tasks/:taskId/completed

Path Parameter:

Parameter Type Required Description
taskId Integer Yes The ID of the task to mark completed.


  • Status code 204 (No content) upon successful update.

Mark Task Uncompleted

Method: PUT Route: /tasks/:taskId/uncompleted

Path Parameter:

Parameter Type Required Description
taskId Integer Yes The ID of the task to mark uncompleted.


  • Status code 204 (No content) upon successful update.

Update Task Details

Method: PUT Route: /tasks/:id

Path Parameter:

Parameter Type Required Description
id Integer Yes The ID of the task to update.

Request Body:

Property Type Required Description
task_name String No The new name of the task.
due_date Date No The new due date for the task.


  • Status code 200 (OK) upon successful update.

CORS Settings

In index.js remember to change this block of code to match the frontend that will be consuming the API

app.use((req, res, next) => {
    res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', 'http://localhost:5173'); // Allow requests from your Vue app origin
    res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST, PUT, DELETE'); // Allowed HTTP methods
    res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type, Authorization'); // Allowed headers