
🚀 Fast and simple Node.js version manager, built in ReasonML

Primary LanguageOCaml

Fast Node Manager (fnm) Amount of downloads Build Status

🚀 Fast and simple Node.js version manager, built in ReasonML

Blazing fast!


✨ Single file, easy installation

🚀 Built with speed in mind

🤔 Works with .nvmrc files


Using a script

For bash, zsh and fish shells, there's an automatic installation script:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Schniz/fnm/master/.ci/install.sh | bash


  • Download the latest release binary for your system

  • Make it available globally on $PATH

  • Add the following line to your .bashrc/.zshrc file:

    eval `fnm env`

    If you are using fish shell, add this line to your config.fish file:

    eval (fnm env --fish)


You can always use fnm --help to read the docs:

fnm install [VERSION]

Installs [VERSION]. If no version provided, it will install the version specified in the .nvmrc file located in the current working directory.

fnm use [VERSION]

Activates [VERSION] as the current Node version. If no version provided, it will activate the version specified in the .nvmrc file located in the current working directory.

fnm ls

Lists the installed Node versions.

fnm ls-remote

Lists the Node versions available to download remotely.

fnm env [--fish]

Prints the required shell commands in order to configure your shell, Bash compliant by default. Provide --fish to output the Fish-compliant version.

Future Plans

  • Feature: make versions complete the latest: 10 would infer the latest minor and patch versions of node 10. 10.1 would infer the latest patch version of node 10.1
  • Feature: fnm use --install, fnm use --quiet
  • Feature: fnm install lts?
  • Feature: fnm alias?
  • Feature: Consider nvm-like per-shell usage with symlinks on /tmp directory
  • OSX: Add to homebrew?
  • Windows Support?
  • Linux: Replace curl usage with cohttp/ocurl or something else which is statically-linkable
  • Linux: Replace tar with a statically linked library too (for ungzip + untar)


PRs welcome 🎉


npm install -g esy
git clone https://github.com/Schniz/fnm.git
esy install
esy build

Running Binary:

After building the project, you can run the main binary that is produced.

esy x fnm.exe

Running Tests:

# Runs some smoke-unity test
esy test

# Runs the feature tests