Languages, and about languages, on the BEAM
This document is intended to list (a) languages implemented to run on the BEAM, the Erlang virtual machine, and (b) documents (articles & presentations) about the hows and whys of writing languages to run on the BEAM.
For the moment, and for want of a better name, I call such languages “BEAM languages” (although I have heard that there are other Erlang VMs, …).
I would like the document to be comprehensive, or at least “representative”. If I have missed a BEAM language, some noteworthy discussion about a BEAM language, or documentation about implementing languages targetting the BEAM, please let me know through the usual channels (issues, forks, PRs, tweets, emails, etc.).
Thank you.
33 Languages on the BEAM
First Erlang itself, then the 5 Lisp-influenced languages, then the 15 statically-typed languages, then the 12 others. Including Erlang, that’s 33 languages in all.
erlang itself
clojerl (2015+)
clojerl - Clojure for the Erlang VM
joxa (2011+)
Differences Between Joxa and LFE
- Eric Merritt
- 2012/02/21
Joxa: A Full Featured Lisp on the Erlang VM
- Eric Merritt
- 2012/08/22
kapok (2015-2018)
lfe (2008+)
‘the concurrent schemer’ (2013-2014)
statically-typed languages
alpaca (2016+)
caramel (2020?+)
An Erlang backend to the OCaml compiler
cuneiform (2013+)
elchemy (2017+)
An Elm syntax front-end for Elixir (i.e., converts Elm-style input language into Elixir source code).
eml (2012)
“eml - Erlang flavored by Some ML”
fez (2017+)
fez - fsharp to core erlang compiler experiment
fika (2020)
A statically typed functional programming language for the web
gleam (2016+)
gleam - “A statically typed language for the Erlang VM”
hamler (2020)
Haskell-style functional programming language running on Erlang VM.
haskerl et al. (1993-2014)
- The Haskerl Index
- Yhc/Erlang/Proof of concept
idris-erlang (2014-17)
This is an Idris package (therefore requiring Haskell and Idris) which compiles Idris source code into erlang source code.
idris2-erlang (2020+)
An Erlang code generator for Idris 2 (eg compiles Idris 2 programs to Erlang source code or to BEAM).
purerl (2016+)
Erlang backend for PureScript
- Introducing PureScript Erlang
rufus (2018+)
“A general-purpose programming language for the BEAM”
There’s website source, but no website. Some docs, eg here:
Looks like it’s implemented in erlang too!
sesterl (2020+)
A “Session-Typed Erlang”, an ML-inspired statically-typed Erlang
efene (2009+)
elixir (2011+)
ephp (2013+)
An erlang interpreter for PHP
Presumably as used by Bragful — “A resilient and scalable PHP”.
erl2 (2012)
- Announcement and ensuing discussion on erlang-questions
- “A Few Improvements to Erlang” (EUC 2012)
- A blog post about the above presentation in Chinese
erlog (2008-2018)
Backtracking in Erlang, part 1 - control
- Robert Virding
- 2009/03/18
erlyjs (2008-2013)
The original repo (on Google Code) no longer exists, but there are several forks, e.g.:
A couple of blog posts from 2008 (the second is by the original developer of erlyjs):
- ErlyJS: JavaScript on Erlang
- ErlyJS - translating Javascript to Erlang
ffe: Forth-flavoured Erlang (2014-2016)
interfix (2015)
luerl (2012+)
OTPCL (2017+)
Open Telecom Platform Command Language: “a scripting language designed to integrate with and extend applications written in BEAM-based languages”
reia (-2012)
xerl (2013)
Five web articles in 2013 starting with:
- Xerl: empty modules (2013/01/30)
About Languages
Implementing languages on the BEAM (4)
- Robert Virding & Mariano Guerra
- 2018/05/17 (Erlang Solutions Webinar)
Implementing languages on the BEAM (3)
- Robert Virding & Mariano Guerra
- 2018/03/06 (CodeBEAM SF)
Efene and the BEAM Community
(slides & video)
- Mariano Guerra
- 2017/06/06 (EUC)
How BEAMs are made
Slides with link to github repo
- Mariano Guerra
- 2016/10 (BEAM BA Meetup)
Eric Merritt, Erlang and distributed systems expert, gives his views on BEAM languages, Hindley–Milner type systems and new technologies
(article/interview, with links to podcast & video)
- Federico Carrone
- 2015/08/11
Create Your Own Language: How to implement a language on top of Erlang Virtual Machine (BEAM)
- Hamidreza Soleimani
- 2015/08/06
Implementing Languages on the BEAM (2)
(slides & video)
- Robert Virding
- 2014/11/04 (Codemesh 2014)
Implementing Languages on the BEAM (1)
- Robert Virding
- 2014/10/29 (London Erlang UG)
Erlang, LFE, Joxa and Elixir: Established and Emerging Languages in the Erlang Ecosystem
- Brian Troutwine
- 2014/07/23
About the BEAM
The BEAM Book
A description of the Erlang Runtime System ERTS and the virtual Machine BEAM
The BEAM Toolbox
A list of tools and libraries that are useful for BEAM languages like efene, erlang, LFE and Elixir projects.
Erlang and Types
These first two papers are linked from Philip Wadler’s erlang page:
A practical subtyping system for Erlang (1997)
- Simon Marlow & Philip Wadler
- 1997
The great type hope (2002)
- Philip Wadler
- 2002
Pure Type System for Erlang (2014+)
- Namdak Tonpa
- 2013
- Paper:
- Code:
Gradualizer: A Gradual Type System for Erlang (2018+)
A gradual typing system and static code analysis tool for Erlang.
The type system is based on “Gradual Typing for Functional Languages” (Siek & Taha, 2006) (see doc/GTLC.hs):
ErlT - experimental erlang dialect (2021)
Facebook’s abandoned project to add first-class support for static typing to erlang. Github repo archived and read-only.
Bidirectional typing for Erlang (2021)
Erlang Type Checker Prototype Based on Bidirectional Typechecking.
- Nithin Vadukkumchery Rajendrakumar, Annette Bieniusa
- Paper:
- Video:
- Code: