
Bullet Physics Wrapper for Openframeworks

Primary LanguageC++

ofxBullet v2.0

An OpenFrameworks add-on for Bullet Physics


Currently bullet libs are compiled for osx, iOS and linux. (Not tested on Linux with 008)
Linux compatibility thanks to Benjamin Knofe aka benben

To compile libs for PC, view here: http://code.google.com/p/bullet/downloads/list

OpenFrameworks - http://www.openframeworks.cc
Bullet Physics - http://bulletphysics.org/wordpress/

Current Supported Versions: OpenFrameworks 008 - https://github.com/openframeworks/openFrameworks
Bullet Physics 2.81-rev2613 - http://code.google.com/p/bullet/downloads/list

Previous Versions

ofxBullet v1.0 (supports OF 007x and Linux. Uses bullet 2.77) - https://github.com/NickHardeman/ofxBullet/releases/tag/v1.0


Move the ofxBullet folder into OpenFrameworks > addons
Copy the EmptyExample Folder from ofxBullet into the OF/apps/yourFolderName/

3D logo by Lauren Licherdell: http://www.laurenlicherdell.com

Control bodies, move them, rotate them.
If you would like to control rigid bodies that will influence others, please read