Output images are corrupted
tconroy opened this issue · 1 comments
tconroy commented
mdx-bundler version: 9.0.1
node version: v17.8.0
npm version: 8.5.5
I am using mdx-bundler + remark-mdx-images to output images with mdx blog posts.
I am running into an issue where the input image is valid, but the output image appears to be corrupt (i.e is not visible in browser, and I get this error message from macos Preview when trying to open it):
MDX file:
![](./hello-world.png 'Hello World')
const { code, frontmatter } = await bundleMDX({
source: indexFile.content,
files: filesObject,
mdxOptions: options => ({
remarkPlugins: [
...(options.remarkPlugins ?? []),
rehypePlugins: [
...(options.rehypePlugins ?? []),
[rehypeAutolinkHeadings, { behavior: 'wrap' }],
[rehypePrettyCode, rehypePrettyCodeOptions],
esbuildOptions: options => {
options.loader = {
'.gif': 'file',
'.jpeg': 'file',
'.jpg': 'file',
'.png': 'file',
'.svg': 'file',
'.webp': 'file',
const basePath = path.resolve(`/build/_assets/${rootDir}/img`)
options.outdir = path.resolve(`public/${basePath}`)
options.publicPath = basePath
// Set write to true so that esbuild will output the files.
options.write = true
return options
Correctly copied to output dir:
Trying to view it in browser (returns 200 but file isn't visible):
phongsakornp commented
I had the same problem. I fix it by defining the current working directory (cwd).
const { code, frontmatter } = await bundleMDX({
cwd: `/path/to/site/content`,