🦤 Give me MDX/TSX strings and I'll give you back a component you can render. Supports imports!
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[error]Cannot process MDX file with esbuild
#223 opened by jialouluos - 5
Component loading fails in Next.js 14.2.
#228 opened by minpeter - 1
Incorrect resolution for nested `node_modules` due to usage of `basedir` in NodeResolvePlugin
#233 opened by amoshydra - 2
Suggestion: Example for MDXProvider with mdx-bundler for component substitution
#195 opened by Kuan-Ying - 1
Unicode emojis are being escaped
#231 opened by airtonix - 2
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Importing Components that import other Components
#212 opened by dominik-sfl - 7
Support for mdx v3?
#220 opened by tonyxiao - 4
Error when using esbuild@0.16.17 "Expected value for define "process.env.NODE_ENV" to be a string"
#205 opened by pkerschbaum - 1
- 0
generated a tag doesn't have href value
#224 opened by byteab - 11
ReferenceError: process is not defined when importing .tsx files inside MDX file
#165 opened by melosomelo - 0
How to load images by URL?
#221 opened by adaboese - 1
Version 10.0.0 fails with a [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM] error of the remark-mdx-frontmatter package.
#217 opened by dwjohnston - 0
bundleMDX() fails with vanilla MDX
#216 opened by andrecasal - 0
Error: Could not parse import/exports with acorn: SyntaxError: unexpected token [plugin @mdx-js/esbuild]
#215 opened by hai-x - 0
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Props type for overriden components
#213 opened by kwiat1990 - 1
Generated code contains also frontmatters
#210 opened by nullndr - 1
Margin collapse is not work
#209 opened by rafter-GMSVK - 0
Hydration error problem caused by using <style jsx> "background-image" property.
#208 opened by Pudge1996 - 1
Error: Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components)
#207 opened by web-programmer-here - 0
Cache? Inspiration from the new beta documentation that uses MDX
#204 opened by colinsteidtmann - 2
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to generate a table of contents
#203 opened by monsterooo - 1
How to render the excerpt as a component
#190 opened by cayblood - 1
Output images are corrupted
#186 opened by tconroy - 3
Dependency issue
#187 opened by kwiat1990 - 2
Unable to use state hook in MDX
#191 opened by js-egton - 0
Questions about Cloudflare
#194 opened by hahnbeelee - 4
Remix builds not working as soon as I add mdx-bundler
#193 opened by ksorv - 2
mdx-bundler should support Next.js 13 data fetching strategies via `use()` hook
#192 opened by NateRadebaugh - 1
Can't import react components
#189 opened by spcbfr - 1
handling css/scss/etc in imported components
#170 opened by omidantilong - 0
Images not being copied to output directory in remix
#185 opened by tconroy - 3
Cannot read property 'default' of undefined at getMDXComponent. Works great in local, get error when deploy to Vercel
#166 opened by dmabery - 9
Remix + mdx-bundler, getting error ERROR: [plugin: @mdx-js/esbuild] TypeError: this.replace is not a function
#168 opened by jacargentina - 1
How to create programatic properties via plugin
#169 opened by motleydev - 8
Trying to invoke `mdx-bundler` via a custom webpack loader in a Next.js app
#177 opened by brianjenkins94 - 0
`MDXContentProps` type error fails Next.js build
#175 opened by vladmoroz - 4
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mdx-bundler for react pure
#173 opened by tienlx97 - 0
Can't resolve 'pnpapi' in 'node_modules/esbuild/lib'
#174 opened by tienlx97 - 3
Importing packages with `exports` in `package.json`
#158 opened by pomber - 6
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`source` or `file` must be defined
#163 opened by yunesco - 0
Query parameters for `codesandbox`
#161 opened by LuckyPigeon - 2
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