[error]Cannot process MDX file with esbuild
jialouluos opened this issue · 6 comments
v10.0.1 bug?
import remarkGFM from 'remark-gfm';
const { code} = await bundleMDX({
source: source.replaceAll(/\$.*(?<val>[\>\=\<]+).*\$/gm, `{'$<val>'}`),
mdxOptions(options) {
options.remarkPlugins = [
...(options.remarkPlugins ?? []),
options.rehypePlugins = [...(options.rehypePlugins ?? [])];
return options;
show:Cannot process MDX file with esbuild [plugin @mdx-js/esbuild]
version @9 is running properly
I had this same error today.
I'm using Remix and had mdx-bundler inside serverDependenciesToBundle in remix.config.js, which was required for v9.x.
Removing it again fixed the issue.
serverDependenciesToBundle: [
/^mdx-bundler.*/", // remove this entry
I had this same error today.
I'm using Remix and had mdx-bundler inside serverDependenciesToBundle in remix.config.js, which was required for v9.x.
Removing it again fixed the issue.
//remix.config.js serverDependenciesToBundle: [ /^mdx-bundler.*/", // remove this entry ],
I removed remark-gfm and it worked, but I need remark-gfm
Does the gfm plugin for mdx-bundler(v10) exist in error handling for backquotes? The gfm plugin for mdx-bundler(v9) handles backquotes correctly
We're using remark-gfm in production as well with no issues - are you using mdx-bundler@10.0.1 and remark-gfm@4.0.0?
Here's our full serverDependenciesToBundle - maybe it will work for you 🤞🏻
serverDependenciesToBundle: [
// MDX:
getting this error when trying to using:
- astro (i dont think this part matters)
- remark-shiki-twoslash, or
- remark-shaku-code-annotate
import {bundleMDX} from 'mdx-bundler'
import { readSync } from 'to-vfile'
import remarkShikiTwoslash from 'remark-shiki-twoslash'
const mdxSource = readSync(`src/components/thing.md`)
const result = await bundleMDX({
source: mdxSource.toString(),
mdxOptions (options) {
options.remarkPlugins = [
[remarkShikiTwoslash, { theme: "dark-plus" }]
return options
const {code, frontmatter} = result
export { code, frontmatter }