
WorldEdit plugin for http://www.cuberite.org/

Primary LanguageLua

This plugin allows you to easily manage the world, edit the world, navigate around or get information. It bears similarity to the Bukkit's WorldEdit plugin and aims to have the same set of commands,however, it has no affiliation to that plugin.



Any biome specific commands.

Command Permission Description
//setbiome worldedit.biome.set Set the biome of the region.
/biomeinfo worldedit.biome.info Get the biome of the targeted block(s).
/biomelist worldedit.biomelist Gets all biomes available


Command Permission Description
/brush Brush commands
/brush cylinder worldedit.brush.cylinder Switch to the cylinder brush tool.
/brush sphere worldedit.brush.sphere Switch to the sphere brush tool.
/mask worldedit.brush.options.mask Set the brush mask


All the commands that have anything todo with a players clipboard.

Command Permission Description
//copy worldedit.clipboard.copy Copy the selection to the clipboard
//cut worldedit.clipboard.cut Cut the selection to the clipboard
//paste worldedit.clipboard.paste Pastes the clipboard's contents
//rotate worldedit.clipboard.rotate Rotates the contents of the clipboard


Command Permission Description
/butcher worldedit.butcher Kills nearby mobs based on the given radius, if no radius is given it uses the default in configuration.
/remove worldedit.remove Removes all entities of a type


Commands that generates structures.

Command Permission Description
//cyl worldedit.generation.cylinder Generates a cylinder.
//generate worldedit.generation.shape Generates a shape according to a formula
//hcyl worldedit.selection.cylinder Generates a hollow cylinder
//hpyramid worldedit.generation.pyramid Generate a hollow pyramid
//hsphere worldedit.generation.hsphere Generates a hollow sphere.
//pyramid worldedit.generation.pyramid Generate a filled pyramid
//sphere worldedit.generation.sphere Generates a filled sphere.


Commands that can undo/redo past WorldEdit actions.

Command Permission Description
//redo worldedit.history.redo redoes the last action (from history)
//undo worldedit.history.undo Undoes the last action


Commands that helps the player moving to locations.

Command Permission Description
/ascend worldedit.navigation.ascend go down a floor
/descend worldedit.navigation.descend go down a floor
/jumpto worldedit.navigation.jumpto.command Teleport to a location
/thru worldedit.navigation.thru.command Passthrough walls
/up worldedit.navigation.up go upwards some distance


Commands in this category will allow the player to edit the region he/she has selected using //pos[1/2] or using the wand item.

Command Permission Description
//addleaves worldedit.region.addleaves Adds leaves next to log blocks
//faces worldedit.region.faces Build the walls, ceiling, and floor of a selection
//leafdecay worldedit.region.leafdecay Removes all the leaves in the selection that would decay
//mirror worldedit.region.mirror Mirrors the selection by the specified plane
//replace worldedit.region.replace Replace all the blocks in the selection with another
//set worldedit.region.set Set all the blocks inside the selection to a block
//stack worldedit.region.stack Repeat the contents of the selection.
//vmirror worldedit.region.vmirror Mirrors the selection vertically
//walls worldedit.region.walls Build the four sides of the selection


Commands that load or save schematic's

Command Permission Description
//schematic formats worldedit.schematic.list List available schematic formats
//schematic list worldedit.schematic.list List available schematics
//schematic load worldedit.schematic.load Loads the given schematic file.
//schematic save worldedit.schematic.save Saves the current clipboard to a file with the given filename.


Command Permission Description
/.s worldedit.scripting.execute Execute last CraftScript
/cs worldedit.scripting.execute Execute a CraftScript


Commands that give info/help setting the region you have selected.

Command Permission Description
//count worldedit.selection.count Count the number of blocks in the region.
//expand worldedit.selection.expand Expand the selection area
//hpos1 worldedit.selection.pos Set position 1 to the position you are looking at.
//hpos2 worldedit.selection.pos Set position 2 to the position you are looking at.
//pos1 worldedit.selection.pos Set position 1
//pos2 worldedit.selection.pos Set position 2
//shift worldedit.selection.size Move the selection area
//size worldedit.selection.size Get the size of the selection


Commands that don't realy fit in another category.

Command Permission Description
//wand worldedit.wand Get the wand object
/toggleeditwand worldedit.wand.toggle Toggle functionality of the edit wand
/we World edit command
/we cui Complete CUI handshake
/we help Sends all the available commands to the player.
/we reload Reloads the WorldEdit plugin.
/we version Sends the plugin version to the player.


Commands that help you Modifying the terrain.

Command Permission Description
//drain worldedit.drain Drains all water around you in the given radius.
//extinguish worldedit.extinguish Removes all the fires around you in the given radius.
//green worldedit.green Changes all the dirt to grass.
/pumpkins worldedit.generation.pumpkins Generates pumpkins at the surface.
/removeabove worldedit.removeabove Remove all the blocks above you.
/removebelow worldedit.removebelow Remove all the blocks below you.
/snow worldedit.snow Makes it look like it has snown.
/thaw worldedit.thaw Removes all the snow around you in the given radius.


Commands that activate a tool. If a tool is activated you can use it by right or left clicking with your mouse.

Command Permission Description
// worldedit.superpickaxe Toggle the super pickaxe pickaxe function
/none Unbind a bound tool from your current item
/repl worldedit.tool.replacer Block replace tool
/tree worldedit.tool.tree Tree generator tool


Permissions Description Commands Recommended groups
worldedit.biome.info /biomeinfo
worldedit.biome.set //setbiome
worldedit.biomelist /biomelist
worldedit.brush.cylinder /brush cylinder
worldedit.brush.options.mask /mask
worldedit.brush.sphere /brush sphere
worldedit.butcher /butcher
worldedit.clipboard.copy //copy
worldedit.clipboard.cut //cut
worldedit.clipboard.paste //paste
worldedit.clipboard.rotate //rotate
worldedit.drain //drain
worldedit.extinguish //extinguish
worldedit.generation.cylinder //cyl
worldedit.generation.hsphere //hsphere
worldedit.generation.pumpkins /pumpkins
worldedit.generation.pyramid //hpyramid, //pyramid
worldedit.generation.shape //generate
worldedit.generation.sphere //sphere
worldedit.green //green
worldedit.history.redo //redo
worldedit.history.undo //undo
worldedit.navigation.ascend /ascend
worldedit.navigation.descend /descend
worldedit.navigation.jumpto.command /jumpto
worldedit.navigation.thru.command /thru
worldedit.navigation.up /up
worldedit.region.addleaves //addleaves
worldedit.region.faces //faces
worldedit.region.leafdecay //leafdecay
worldedit.region.mirror //mirror
worldedit.region.replace //replace
worldedit.region.set //set
worldedit.region.stack //stack
worldedit.region.vmirror //vmirror
worldedit.region.walls //walls
worldedit.remove /remove
worldedit.removeabove /removeabove
worldedit.removebelow /removebelow
worldedit.schematic.list //schematic formats, //schematic list
worldedit.schematic.load //schematic load
worldedit.schematic.save //schematic save
worldedit.scripting.execute /cs, /.s
worldedit.selection.count //count
worldedit.selection.cylinder //hcyl
worldedit.selection.expand //expand
worldedit.selection.pos //hpos2, //hpos1, //pos1, //pos2
worldedit.selection.size //shift, //size
worldedit.snow /snow
worldedit.superpickaxe //
worldedit.thaw /thaw
worldedit.tool.replacer /repl
worldedit.tool.tree /tree
worldedit.wand //wand
worldedit.wand.toggle /toggleeditwand