Shell Commands!


  1. Create alias: alias la='ls -l -a --color=auto'

File Commands

  1. More info: ls -F
  2. Show hidden: ls -a
  3. Long Listing auto color: ls -l -a --color=auto

Dir Commands

  1. List contents of dir: ls
  2. Create Dir: mkdir mydir


Add New Key

For conversion or working with putty

  1. Generate key: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
  2. Copy to .ssh: mv <filename> /home/ubuntu/.ssh
  3. Start ssh agent: eval $(ssh-agent -s)
  4. Linux Permission: chmod 600 ~/.ssh/<your private key> This allow necessary permissions and you can still edit if necessary.
  5. Add key: ssh-add <youkeyfile>


  1. Last Arg: !$
  2. Read Env or shell var: echo $PATH wherer PATH is the var name.


  1. Set Function: function set {}


  1. Clear screen: clear
  2. Read input: read VAR_NAME then use the variable