
Ansible role for installing New Relic Infrastructure agent

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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Ansible role for the New Relic infrastructure agent Build Status

This role installs and configures the New Relic infrastructure agent.

Note that this is a simple role and is intended for you to use as a starting place for your own customized workflow.

Installing and using the Ansible role

What newrelic-infra affects

  • Adds New Relic's package repository source.
  • Installs and configures the New Relic infrastructure agent.

Getting started with the role

Start by including the role in your playbook and customize the required variables.

All typical interactions with newrelic-infra are done through role configuration.

Install the infrastructure agent using the role

Use the following snippet to install the agent.

- hosts: ap_ne_1
    - name: newrelic.newrelic-infra
          license_key: YOUR_LICENSE_KEY
          log_file: /var/log/nr-infra.log
          log_to_stdout: false


Role configuration


nrinfragent_config (Required)

Used to populate the agent configuration. At a minimum you must provide license_key. For current configuration options, see the New Relic documentation.

nrinfragent_state (Optional)

Describes what you want to do with the agent:

  • 'latest' - [default] install the latest version of the agent. Also present.
  • 'absent' - Uninstall the agent.
nrinfragent_os_name (Optional)

Specifies the target OS that the infrastructure agent will be installed on. Defaults to ansible_os_family. For a list of supported operating systems, see the meta/main.yml file.

nrinfragent_os_version (Optional)

Specifies the OS version of the installer package needed for this machine. Defaults to ansible_lsb.major_release. Mostly used for RedHat family OSs. For a list of supported operating systems, see the meta/main.yml file.

nrinfragent_os_codename (Optional)

Specifies the OS codename of the installer package needed for this machine. Defaults to ansible_lsb.codename. Mostly used for Debian family OSs. For a list of supported operating systems, see the meta/main.yml file.

nrinfragent_choco_version (Optional)

Specifies the version of the Chocolatey package to install newrelic-infra on Windows. Can be used to pin the version or upgrade the agent.

nrinfragent_service_state (Optional)

Specifies the state of the newrelic-infra service after install. Defaults to started, which ensures the service will be running. You can change it to stopped to just install it, without starting it right away.

nrinfragent_service_enabled (Optional)

Specifies if the service will start during boot. Defauts to yes; change it to no to prevent the service to automatically start on boot.

nrinfragent_integrations (Optional)

Specifies the infrastructure integrations to be installed. The list of available integrations can be found here.

Each package should provide its name and state. The integrations package name is located in the Install and activate section of the individual integrations docs. As a convention, their name is the name of the service with the nri- prefix (nri-apache, nri-redis, etc.).

By default the state it's absent, which doesn't install the package; you can change it to latest or present. For example:

  - { name: nri-nginx, state: "latest" }
  - { name: nri-mysql, state: "absent" }

The source code for each integration is available on newrelic's GitHub organization.

Removing the newrelic-infra-integrations package and its bundled integrations

This only applies if you have the newrelic-infra-integrations package installed

If you want to remove the newrelic-infra-integrations package or any of the bundled integrations (nri-redis, nri-cassandra, nri-apache, nri-nginx, nri-mysql), add newrelic-infra-integrations as the first item of nrinfragent_integrations with the state absent.

  - { name: newrelic-infra-integrations, state: "absent" }

You can specify the license key for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use license_key in nrinfragent_config instead. If both are specified, the one in nrinfragent_config takes precedence.



  • RHEL/CentOS
    • RHEL/CentOS 8
    • RHEL/CentOS 7
    • RHEL/CentOS 6
    • RHEL/CentOS 5
  • Ubuntu
    • 18 Bionic
    • 16 Xenial
    • 14 Trusty
    • 12 Precise
  • Debian
    • 10 Buster
    • 9 Stretch
    • 8 Jessie
    • 7 Wheezy
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise
    • 12
  • Windows
    • All
    • Disclaimer: Windows support depends on the third-party newrelic-infra Chocolatey package, which is maintained by @ripclawffb and @xandrellas. It is distributed without any guarantee or support from New Relic.

Release to Ansible Galaxy

To release a new version to Ansible Galaxy follow this steps:

  • Update the CHANGELOG.md
  • Create a new GitHub release.
  • Make sure the version is imported into Ansible Galaxy, if there is any issue, ask one of the project owners.


Should you need assistance with New Relic products, you are in good hands with several support diagnostic tools and support channels.

If the issue has been confirmed as a bug or is a feature request, file a GitHub issue.

Support Channels


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We define “Personal Data” as any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual, including, for example, your name, phone number, post code or zip code, Device ID, IP address, and email address.

For more information, review New Relic’s General Data Privacy Notice.


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If you have any questions, or to execute our corporate CLA (which is required if your contribution is on behalf of a company), drop us an email at opensource@newrelic.com.

A note about vulnerabilities

As noted in our security policy, New Relic is committed to the privacy and security of our customers and their data. We believe that providing coordinated disclosure by security researchers and engaging with the security community are important means to achieve our security goals.

If you believe you have found a security vulnerability in this project or any of New Relic's products or websites, we welcome and greatly appreciate you reporting it to New Relic through HackerOne.

If you would like to contribute to this project, review these guidelines.

To all contributors, we thank you! Without your contribution, this project would not be what it is today.


infrastructure-agent-ansible is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.