
Routes requests to KV assets

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



Add this package to your package.json by running this in the root of your project's directory:

npm i @cloudflare/kv-asset-handler


This package was designed to work with Worker Sites.


getAssetFromKV(FetchEvent) => Promise

getAssetFromKV is an async function that takes a FetchEvent object and returns a Response object if the request matches an asset in KV, otherwise it will throw a KVError.


This example checks for the existence of a value in KV, and returns it if it's there, and returns a 404 if it is not. It also serves index.html from /.


getAssetFromKV returns a Promise<Response> with Response being the body of the asset requested.

Known errors to be thrown are:

  • MethodNotAllowedError
  • NotFoundError
  • InternalError
import { getAssetFromKV } from '@cloudflare/kv-asset-handler'

addEventListener('fetch', event => {

async function handleEvent(event) {
  if (event.request.url.includes('/docs')) {
    try {
      return await getAssetFromKV(event)
    } catch (e) {
        switch (typeof resp) {
          case NotFoundError: 
          case MethodNotAllowedError:
            // ...
            return new Response("An unexpected error occurred", { status: 500 })
  } else return fetch(event.request)

Optional Arguments

You can customize the behavior of getAssetFromKV by passing the following properties as an object into the second argument

getAssetFromKV(event, { mapRequestToAsset: ... })


mapRequestToAsset(Request) => Request

Maps the incoming request to the value that will be looked up in Cloudflare's KV

By default, mapRequestToAsset is set to the exported function mapRequestToAsset. This works for most static site generators, but you can customize this behavior by passing your own function as mapRequestToAsset. The function should take a Request object as its only argument, and return a new Request object with an updated path to be looked up in the asset manifest/KV.

For SPA mapping pass in the serveSinglePageApp function


Strip /docs from any incoming request before looking up an asset in Cloudflare's KV.

import { getAssetFromKV, mapRequestToAsset } from '@cloudflare/kv-asset-handler'
const customKeyModifier = request => {
  let url = request.url
  //custom key mapping optional
  url.replace('/docs', '').replace(/^\/+/, '')
  return mapRequestToAsset(new Request(url, request))
let asset = await getAssetFromKV(event, { mapRequestToAsset: customKeyModifier })


type: object

cacheControl allows you to configure options for both the Cloudflare Cache accessed by your Worker, and the browser cache headers sent along with your Workers' responses. The default values are as follows:

let cacheControl = {
  browserTTL: null, // do not set cache control ttl on responses
  edgeTTL: 2 * 60 * 60 * 24, // 2 days
  bypassCache: false, // do not bypass Cloudflare's cache

type: number | null nullable: true

Sets the Cache-Control: max-age header on the response returned from the Worker. By default set to null which will not add the header at all.


type: number | null nullable: true

Sets the Cache-Control: max-age header on the response used as the edge cache key. By default set to 2 days (2 * 60 * 60 * 24). When null will not cache on the edge at all.


type: boolean

Determines whether to cache requests on Cloudflare's edge cache. By default set to false (recommended for production builds). Useful for development when you need to eliminate the cache's effect on testing.


type: KV Namespace Binding

The binding name to the KV Namespace populated with key/value entries of files for the Worker to serve. By default, Workers Sites uses a binding to a Workers KV Namespace named __STATIC_CONTENT.

It is further assumed that this namespace consists of static assets such as html, css, javascript, or image files, keyed off of a relative path that roughly matches the assumed url pathname of the incoming request.

return getAssetFromKV(event, { ASSET_NAMESPACE: MY_NAMESPACE })


type: text blob (JSON formatted)

The mapping of requested file path to the key stored on Cloudflare.

Workers Sites with Wrangler bundles up a text blob that maps request paths to content-hashed keys that are generated by Wrangler as a cache-busting measure. If this option/binding is not present, the function will fallback to using the raw pathname to look up your asset in KV. If, for whatever reason, you have rolled your own implementation of this, you can include your own by passing a stringified JSON object where the keys are expected paths, and the values are the expected keys in your KV namespace.

let assetManifest = { "index.html": "index.special.html" }
return getAssetFromKV(event, { ASSET_MANIFEST: JSON.stringify(assetManifest) })

Helper functions


mapRequestToAsset(Request) => Request

The default function for mapping incoming requests to keys in Cloudflare's KV.

Takes any path that ends in / or evaluates to an html file and appends index.html or /index.html for lookup in your Workers KV namespace.


serveSinglePageApp(Request) => Request

A custom handler for mapping requests to a single root: index.html. The most common use case is single-page applications - frameworks with in-app routing - such as React Router, VueJS, etc. It takes zero arguments.

import { getAssetFromKV, serveSinglePageApp } from '@cloudflare/kv-asset-handler'
let asset = await getAssetFromKV(event, { mapRequestToAsset: serveSinglePageApp })