Auto Symbol Description Build Status npm

A Babel plugin to automatically set Symbol descriptions.

Note: Babel 7 is supported in version 2.0+.

Note: Babel 6 is supported in version 1.0+. Keep using version 0.0.1 for Babel 5 support.

Use Cases


Very useful with Redux if you use Symbols for action types:


// TodoActions.js
export const CREATE = Symbol();
export const CREATE_SUCCESS = Symbol();
export const CREATE_FAILURE = Symbol();

Out (something like this):

// TodoActions.js
export const CREATE = Symbol('TodoActions.CREATE');
export const CREATE_SUCCESS = Symbol('TodoActions.CREATE_SUCCESS');
export const CREATE_FAILURE = Symbol('TodoActions.CREATE_FAILURE');

Then use these constants in a reducer:

// TodoReducer.js
import * as TodoActions from '../actions/TodoActions';

export function TodoReducer(state, action) {
  switch (action) {
  case TodoActions.CREATE:
    // Handle create
  case TodoActions.CREATE_SUCCESS:
    // Handle create success
  case TodoActions.CREATE_FAILURE:
    // Handle create failure
    return state;

Symbol descriptions are only useful for debugging, so idealy you would only include this transformation in development.


npm install -D babel-plugin-auto-symbol-description


  "env": {
    "development": {
      "plugins": ["auto-symbol-description"]


This plugin won't transform any Symbol calls with an argument, and it only works for assignments and variable declarations for now. Let me know if there is demand for the transformation when setting an object property or any other use cases.