kentsay's vimrc
I use vundle to manage my vim plugins, which makes my .vim directory clean and tidy. If you are new to vim, the following two posts
will be good for you.
How to install this?
First, clone this repository to .vim under your home directory.
git clone .vim
Second, copy the .vimrc under your directory.
cp .vim/.vimrc ~/.vimrc
Third, install vundle
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/vundle
Last, edit your .vimrc and edit the plugin you want.
Plugins I use
Plugins I used are listed as fellow, will update and add more explanation of detail usage.
- vundle
- nerdtree
- xmledit
- mru
- AutoComplPop
- command-t
- vim-powerline
- vim-bufexplorer
- vim-autoclose
- vim-gitgutter
- vim-javascript
- vim-javacomplete2
- unite.vim (awesome)
How to manage my vim plugins?
All plugins are listed in file .vimrc, just add plugins as you like. You can also separate to another file like bundles.vim and source it in you .vimrc file.
- :PluginList to list all plugins
- :PluginClean to clean up unused plugins
- :PluginInstall to install newly added plugins
- :PluginUpdate to upgrade all plugins
Other configurations are also well organized in vimrc.