
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Scrilla is a web application I made to solve a problem I had:

  • I love how mint.com pulls down (when it's working) all my financial transaction data
  • But I don't love how mint.com makes me use that data - I have a particular way of maintaining a budget for my household and a particular set of views into my financial life that I like to be able to see.

It was also a good opportunity to explore a few technologies:

  • ASP.NET MVC 3 (now updated to MVC 4)
  • FluentMigrator
  • Entity Framework Code First
  • Dapper

To use locally:

  • Add scrilla to your C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file to enable local access from http://scrilla/
  • Run \CreateScrillaWebsite.bat to create the IIS site and app pool
  • After building the solution, run \scrilla.Data.Migrations\dev\scratch.bat to create the local database along with permissions for IIS AppPool\scrilla.Web
  • Log in to your mint.com account and then go to https://wwws.mint.com/transactionDownload.event to initiate a full csv download of your account transactions
  • Navigate to http://scrilla/ and upload your transaction file
  • Do budget stuff!

For a demo try http://scrilla.azurewebsites.net/