The purpose of this term project is to put my C++ Object Oriented skills to practice by developing a simulated Assembly Line.
Below is a check list of the modules that are to be implemented to the project:
- Utilities
- Used to parse strings and help populate data for other modules.
- Item
- Manages a single item on the assembly line.
- CustomerOrder
- Used to encapsulate and manage all the details related to a customer's order on the assembly line.
- Task
- Inherits from the Item module, and will contain additional information:
- a double ended queue with CustomerOrders, coming in one side and exited out the other once it is filled.
- a pointer to the next task on the assembly line.
- Inherits from the Item module, and will contain additional information:
- LineManager
- Manages the entire assembly line
Here you can find a documentation of the classes that are currently implemented:
void setFieldWidth(size_t)
- Sets the field width of the current object.
size_t getFieldWidth() const
- Returns the field width of the current object.
const std::string extractToken(const std::string& str, size_t& next_pos, bool& more)
- Extracts tokens from
. - This extracts the token start at position
. - If the extraction is successful it sets
to true or false depending if there are more tokens to extract. - This function returns a string of the token found.
- This function will throw an exception if:
- There are no more tokens to be extract; OR
is out of bounds ofstr
static void setDelimiter(const char&)
- Sets the delimiter character. The delimiter character is a shared value accross all instances of Utilities.
const char getDelimiter() const
- Returns the delimiter character.
Item(const std::string&)
- A custom constructor that recieves a string containing information to populate variables.
- The construct assumes the string contains the information in the following order seperated by a delimiter:
- name of item
- starting serial number
- quantity in stock
- description
const std::string& getName() const
- Returns the name of the item.
const unsigned int getSerialNumber()
- Returns the current serial number of the item.
const unsigned int getQuantity()
- Returns the quantity remaining in stock.
void updateQuantity()
- Subtracts one from the quantity, and increments the serial number.
void display(std::ostream&, bool) const
- Display information about the item
- The default constructor, this simply sets variables to null.
CustomerOrder(const std::string&)
- A custom constructor that recieves a string containing information to populate variables.
- The constructor assumes the string contains the information in the following order seperated by a delimiter:
- customer name
- order name
- a list of items ordered (requires at least one item)
- Copying this class is not allowed, this will throw an exception.
CustomerOrder& operator=(CustomerOrder&)
- Copy assignment operator has been deleted.
CustomerOrder(CustomerOrder&&) noexcept
CustomerOrder& operator=(CustomerOrder&&);
- Move operations are still allowed.
bool getItemFillState(std::string) const
- Returns if the item specified in the parameter has been fulfilled in the order.
- If there are multiple of the item specified in the parameter in the order, if any of them are unfulfilled, this function will return false.
- If the item does not exist in the order, this function will return true.
bool getOrderFillState() const
- Returns if all items in the order are fulfilled.
void fillItem(Item& item, std::ostream&)
- This function will attempt to fulfill the order with the item specified in the parameter.
- This function does nothing if the item specified in the parameter does not exist in the order.
- If the item is found in the order, it will update the order with the item's serial number that was used to fulfill the order.
- If the there is not stock remaining it will print a message stating that the order could not be fulfilled.
void display(std::ostream&) const
- Displays the current state of the order, which items are fulfilled along with serial number for the item if it has been fulfilled.
Task(const std::string&)
- Since this class is inherited from the Item class, it uses the string in the parameter to populate the variables from Item.
- See "Item" for more details.
Task& operator+=(CustomerOrder&&)
- This overloaded operator moves the CustomerOrder into the queue for the current task.
void runProcess(std::ostream&)
- It will verify the CustomerOrder at the front of the queue if it requires the current item, and will attempt to fulfill it.
- This function will throw an exception if there is no available inventory remaining to fulfill the current order.
bool moveTask()
- Moves the CustomerOrder at the front of the queue to the next task if the CustomerOrder's fill state true for the current Item.
void setNextTask(Task&)
- Points to the Task provided as the next task in the assembly line.
bool getCompleted(CustomerOrder&)
- If all items of the CustomerOrder at the front of the queue are fulfilled, it will move the CustomerOrder to the parameter provided.
void validate(std::ostream&)
- Displays the Item that the Task is responsible for, as well as the next task in the assembly line.
- If the current object does not point to a next task, it is assumed that this current Task is the end of the assembly line.
LineManager(const std::string&, std::vector<Task*>&, std::vector<CustomerOrder>&)
- The string parameter is the filename of the file containing the order of tasks on the assembly line.
- The Task* vector is the list of tasks to be in the assembly line.
- The CustomerOrder vector is a list of orders to be fulfilled. Upon instatiation of this object, all CustomerOrders in this vector will be moved to the LineManager's own data members.
bool run(std::ostream&)
- If there are any CustomerOrders to are still to be filled, it will insert one order into the assembly line.
- Completes a single run through the entire assembly line vector to try and fulfill CustomerOrders currently in the assembly line.
- Moves CustomerOrders to the next Task if they have been fulfilled at the current Task.
- Removes any completed CustomerOrders currently in the assembly line.
- Returns if all CustomerOrders are completely fulfilled.
void displayCompleted(std::ostream&) const
- Displays a list of currently completed CustomerOrders.
void validateTasks() const
- Displays a list of all Tasks in the assembly line, as well as the next Task for each Task, or if a Task is the end of the assembly line.
My intention with uploading school assignments on GitHub is merely to build a portfolio of my work. Please do not plagiarize.