Assignment 4 has been added!! You can check it out here! Assignment 4 implements new features on top of this assignment.
This project adds on to the demonstration of Node.js found in assignment 2.
The following is demonstrated with this project:
- Routing GET requests containing queries and returning requested data.
- Using multer to upload and store files
- Using body-parser to parse data from a form, then add it to the database
The following queries are available:
This returns a list of employees filtered by status, either "Full Time" or "Part Time". For example /employees?status=Full Time
returns a list of employees that have "Full Time" status
This returns a list of employees filtered by department. For example /employees?department=1
returns a list of employees that are in department 1.
This returns a list of employees filtered by their manager number. For example /employees?manager=1
returns a list of employees who's manager's employee number is 1.
This returns the result of searching for an employee by their employee number. For example /employees/2
will return employee number 2.
Please note that these queries cannot be chained together.
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