
An application that uses the Cooper Hewitt api to facilitate visits to the museum by checking exhibitions and locating artwork or objects in the collection ahead of time. This project is part of the WDI/NYC-TTP Fellowship requirements.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An application that uses the Cooper Hewitt api to facilitate visits to the museum by checking exhibitions and locating artwork or objects in the collection ahead of time. This project is part of the WDI/NYC-TTP Fellowship requirements.

Link to live app


Application briefing

Visitor Planner is an application to facilitate and enhance a museum visitor's experience by allowing them to program their visit ahead of time.

The application provides the user with means to query the museum's current exhibitions and artworks in view so that they can select specific items from the query result and add them to a list planner. From this list planner, the user keep track of the items she/he means to see during the visit to the museum, allowing them to have a more meaningful experience.

This list of all selected artworks displays an image and the title of the art piece, along with delete and view single items functionalities for a more flexible and personalized record tracking. The view single functionality displays an image, a description, and a field to write personal memos/notes about the experience, the artwork specifications, or any other information.

This application is in development phase, and the project is part of the WDI curriculum requirements for the GA/NYC-TTP fellowship. Technologies used are node, express, and react.



Technical specifications

Visitor Planner makes use of the MVC web application architectural pattern. It starts with a Node.js bedrock, an Express.js backend, and a React.js front-end. The database uses PostgreSQL, and an API Key from the Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum in New York City.

User stories

As a museum and travel fan, I want to have an app that helps me to be more efficient when visiting a museum during a short vacation.

I would like for this app to let me search the museum's current exhibitions and add them to a list in a todo list kind of style so that I can keep track of what I've seen.

I want to be able to keep a memo about any type of information regarding a particular artwork, including a sharable post describing the experience.

The app should also have a delete and edit button to personalize my entries, along with a folder that holds that particular visit.

As a user, I'd like to create a network of museum fans so that we can share this posts detailing our experiences or planning a trip to the museum

Time-priority matrix

Time-priority matrix


  • Utilizing a third party API
  • Full ReST/CRUD performance
  • CSS styling

Post MVP

  • User Auth Docs
  • Build a visit album
  • Include museum map
  • Print users' posts

Project board

Taks Date Estimated time Actual Notes
API: find, read Docs, and Test 10/06 3hrs On time
Create GitHub Repo w/ read.me 10/06 2hrs 3hrs
Express/React review Docs 10/07 4hrs 4hrs
Express skeleton 10/07 2hrs 1hr
React skeleton 10/07 2hrs 1hr
Build DB 10/08 2hrs 3hr
Create Search form, using API 10/08 3hrs 2.5hrs
Build add-one funct. 10/08 3hrs 2.5hrs
Build delete-one funct. 10/08 3hrs 4hrs debugg refreshpage/update state
Build update-one funct. 10/08 3hrs 6hrs
Create showAll component 10/09 1hr 2.5hrs difficulty on updating state
Create showOne component 10/09 1hr 2hrs
Debbuging 10/09 4hrs This was a work in progress
Auth Docs 10/10 8hrs 0 No complited for MVP
Total 10/15 35hrs ~