
Top Shelf - group project acting as Tech lead with React and Express

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Project 3


  • Mark Albom
  • Mohammad Badruzzaman
  • Luke McDonald

Description: MVP for this is an app for


User stories

Full user stories & task can be found Here! On the projects tab Phase1

  1. UserStory: As a user I want to see all the beers on the main site.
  2. UserStory: As a developer I need to have the frontent connected to the backend
  3. UserStory: As a user I would like to add beers to list.
  4. UserStory: As a user I would like to display/edit the beer details.
  5. UserStory: As a user I would like to display/edit the beer details.
  6. UserStory: As a user I would like to delete beers off of the list.
  7. UserStory: As a user I would like the site to look visually appealing
  8. UserStory: As a product owner I would like my product deployed publicly. MVP Met


  1. UserStory: As a user I would like to save beers as favorite.
  2. UserStory: As a user I would like to filter by my Favorites
  3. UserStory: As a user I would like to cycle from one single beer to the next.
  4. UserStory: As a user I would like to filter beers by Type
  5. UserStory: As a user I would like to filter by Country
  6. UserStory: As a user I would like to filter by Seeting.
  7. UserStory: As a product owner I would like my product deployed publicly. Done



  1. UserStory: As a user I would like to Search for beers from a public API.
  2. UserStory: As a user I would like to save the public beers as my favorites.


  1. UserStory: As a product owner I would like multiple users to be able to use the site.
  2. UserStory: As a admin I would like to edit user information.
  3. UserStory: As a user I would like to edit my user information.

References and Resources


  • React

  • Express


  • List
  • Description


  • React-Router
  • React-Dom,
  • React Switch
  • React Component

Featured Code

  • React Router code
  <Route path="/" exact component={Home} />
    ? <Route path="/BeersList" render={props => 
      (<BeersList {...props} beersList={this.state.beersData} />)} 
      exact beersList={this.state.beerList} />
    : <p> Loading... </p> }

  <Route path="/BeersList/BeerDetails" render={props => (<BeerDetails {...props}
      beer={this.state.beersData} /> )} />

  <Route path="/BeersList/BeerEdit" render={props => (<BeerForm {...props} beer={this.state.beersData} /> )} />

  <Route path="/" component={NotFound} />
  • Code for making our Summary Table
  findAllBeers() {
    return db.many(`
 SELECT DISTINCT x_ref_table.beer_id AS id, beer.name, beer.brewery, array_agg(type.name) AS type, beer.description FROM x_ref_table INNER JOIN type ON type.id = x_ref_table.style_type_id INNER JOIN beer on beer.id = x_ref_table.beer_id GROUP BY x_ref_table.beer_id, beer.name, beer.brewery, beer.description ORDER BY x_ref_table.beer_id;

Using array_agg(type.name) AS type merges the duplicate entries and turns them into an array.

How to install and get it running on a local host

  1. Install files
  • Fork
  • Clone
  • NPM install
  1. Create local database

    • create database called 'top_shelf'
    • run migration file from /Project3/db/migration.sql
    • run seed from file /Project3/db/seed.sql
  2. Create .env file

  1. Setup - Open new terminal window

    • CD into project3
    • npm run dev
  2. Setup - In a second terminal window

    • CD into project3
    • npm run watch