

Primary LanguageVim Script

Justin Kenyon's dotfiles

What's in it?

Here is a sampling. For a complete list of features, please review the source.

git configuration:

  • g : git
  • amend : git commit --amend
  • amendne : git commit --amend --no-edit
  • ga : git add
  • gs : git status -s
  • gall : git add -A
  • gap : git add -p
  • gb : git branch
  • gba : git branch -a
  • gbrn : git branch -m
  • gc : git commit
  • gcl : git clone
  • hc : hub clone
  • gcm : git commit -m
  • gco : git checkout
  • gcp : git cherry-pick
  • gd : git diff
  • gf : git fetch
  • gl : git log -10 --pretty=colored
  • gm : git merge
  • gnb : git checkout -b
  • gp : git push -u
  • gpf! : git push --force-with-lease
  • gpr : hub pull-request
  • gr : git rebase
  • gra! : git rebase --abort
  • grc! : git rebase --continue
  • gri : git rebase -i
  • gs : git status -s
  • standup : git standup
  • gcb! : git branch -d `git branch --merged | grep -v "^*" | grep -v "main" | tr -d "\n"`

zsh configuration and aliases:

  • ..: moves up 1 directory, alias of cd ..
  • ...: moves up 2 directories, alias of cd ../..
  • j <part of directory name>: uses fasd to jump to previously visited directories (stored in ~/.fasd). For example, if I execute j local it will cd into my dotfiles-local directory because it is the most recent directory I visited that matches my argument of local.

tmux configuration:

  • Uses CTRL-a for the command key
  • All of the following command keys need to be preceeded by entering command mode:
    • r: reloads the ~/.tmux.conf config file
    • ^T: vertical split, 25%
    • ^U: horizontal split, 30%
    • c: new window in current session
    • |: splits the current pane horizontally, 50%
    • -: splits the current pane vertically, 50%
    • ^A: cycles the cursor through the visable panes
    • +: zooms in and out of current pane
    • ^C: clears the buffer in the current pane

neovim configuration:

  • Leader key (space-bar) followed by:
    • e[direction]: open a netrw view in the direction (h,j,k,l) relative to the currently selected window.
    • rc: run the current test file in a tmux pane
    • rn: run the nearest to cursor test in a tmux pane
    • rl: run the last test in a tmux pane
    • d: insert a debugging statement (e.g. binding.pry) in a new line below the cursor position
    • r: toggle between Relative Number and normal line numbering
  • gc: comment/uncomment the current line or the visual selection
  • Aliased commands
    • :W: :w
    • :Q: :q
    • :Wq: :wq
    • jj: ESC