
Configuration files for i3wm

Primary LanguageShell

Default terminal used: https://github.com/Algorithm79/st just change to urxvt in i3 config if thats more your style both have same color schems and transparency

Configuration files for i3wm with Arc-Themed i3 & terminal 2017-05-08 To be placed in ~/.config: conky i3 i3status

To be placed in ~/.local/share or ~/.fonts fonts

To be placed in ~/ .bashrc .Xresources

To be placed in /usr/bin/ rofi-computer

Optional: Configuration file for ranger rc.conf ~/.config/ranger Configuration file for dunst dunstrc ~/.config

Packages used in configuration: nm-applet pa-applet nitrogen neofetch compton xautolock i3gaps i3status powerline lxappearance rofi dunst dmenu simple terminal(st) scrot betterlockscreen

Themes and Icons etc: Terminal https://github.com/Algorithm79/st Arc-Theme https://github.com/horst3180/arc-theme Icons https://github.com/erikdubois/Sardi Status Bar: https://github.com/tobi-wan-kenobi/bumblebee-status Lockscreen: https://github.com/pavanjadhaw/betterlockscreen

To get powerline to work: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Powerline