The terraform code creates :
- private subnets in multiple AZ's
- public subnets in multiple AZ's
- security groups for databases and web servers (ec2) and appropriate rules
- NACL for public and private subnets and the rules with security best practices
- route tables for the public subnet
- internet gateway
NAT is not provisioned due to RDS no EC2 instances in the private subnet.
- multi-az for the public subnets
- target group for port 80 / 443 is skipped due to terraform apply error because of non existent certificate
- listeners only on port 80 and 443
- MariaDB RDS instance
- db subnet group with the private subnets of the VPC attached
- no az replication due to free-tier
- db.t2.micro
- two linux ami t2.micro from marketplace
- userdata bash script for docker automated installtion on boot ( it's also possible to deploy HA application this way and define the connection string on boot time for RDS )
- attached the appropriate SG
- automated provisioning into ALB
Not included : terraform state file,,
Additionally an launch configuration and autoscaling can be added for increased high availability and fault tolerant infrastructure.