python3 install
python -m unittest discover
Tested on Python 3.8.2
Download sample SQLite Database here.
- Create schema object (with SQLite connection only)
>>> import sqlite3
>>> from nopandas.sqlite import Schema
>>> conn = sqlite3.connect('path/to/chinook.db')
>>> schema = Schema(conn)
>>> print(schema.tables)
['albums', 'artists', 'customers', 'employees', 'genres', 'invoices', 'invoice_items', 'media_types', 'playlists', 'playlist_track', 'tracks']
>>> print(schema.columns('tracks')['name'])
['TrackId', 'Name', 'AlbumId', 'MediaTypeId', 'GenreId', 'Composer', 'Milliseconds', 'Bytes', 'UnitPrice']
- Get
>>> tracks = schema['tracks']
>>> tracks.query()
'SELECT * FROM tracks;'
>>> tracks.shape
(3503, 9)
- Manipulate
>>> songs = tracks.merge(schema['albums'])\
... .merge(schema['artists'].rename({'Name': 'ArtistName'}),\
... on='ArtistId',\
... how='left')\
... [['Name', 'ArtistName']]
>>> songs.query() # actualy plain line will returned, displayed string was pretified manualy
tracks.Name, artists.Name AS ArtistName
FROM tracks
INNER JOIN albums ON tracks.AlbumId=albums.AlbumId
LEFT JOIN artists ON albums.ArtistId=artists.ArtistId
>>> print(songs.head())
Name | ArtistName
--------------------------------------- | ----------
For Those About To Rock (We Salute You) | AC/DC
Put The Finger On You | AC/DC
Let's Get It Up | AC/DC
Inject The Venom | AC/DC
Snowballed | AC/DC
======================================= | ==========
>>> iron_songs = songs[songs['ArtistName'] == 'Iron Maiden']
>>> print("Percent of 'Iron Maiden' songs is",\
... '%0.1f%%' % (100 * iron_songs.shape[0] / songs.shape[0]))
Percent of 'Iron Maiden' songs is 6.1%
- Overview schema
>>> print(schema)
albums | artists | customers | employees | genres | invoices | invoice_items | media_types | playlists | playlist_track | tracks |
AlbumId | ArtistId | CustomerId | EmployeeId | GenreId | InvoiceId | InvoiceLineId | MediaTypeId | PlaylistId | PlaylistId | TrackId |
Title | Name | FirstName | LastName | Name | CustomerId | InvoiceId | Name | Name | TrackId | Name |
ArtistId | LastName | FirstName | InvoiceDate | TrackId | AlbumId | |||||
Company | Title | BillingAddress | UnitPrice | MediaTypeId | ||||||
Address | ReportsTo | BillingCity | Quantity | GenreId | ||||||
City | BirthDate | BillingState | Composer | |||||||
State | HireDate | BillingCountry | Milliseconds | |||||||
Country | Address | BillingPostalCode | Bytes | |||||||
PostalCode | City | Total | UnitPrice | |||||||
Phone | State | |||||||||
Fax | Country | |||||||||
PostalCode | ||||||||||
SupportRepId | Phone | |||||||||
Fax | ||||||||||