
Break the wall between database and you

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



python3 setup.py install


python -m unittest discover


Tested on Python 3.8.2

Download sample SQLite Database here.

  • Create schema object (with SQLite connection only)
>>> import sqlite3
>>> from nopandas.sqlite import Schema
>>> conn = sqlite3.connect('path/to/chinook.db')
>>> schema = Schema(conn)
>>> print(schema.tables)
['albums', 'artists', 'customers', 'employees', 'genres', 'invoices', 'invoice_items', 'media_types', 'playlists', 'playlist_track', 'tracks']
>>> print(schema.columns('tracks')['name'])
['TrackId', 'Name', 'AlbumId', 'MediaTypeId', 'GenreId', 'Composer', 'Milliseconds', 'Bytes', 'UnitPrice']
  • Get QDataFrame (QDF)
>>> tracks = schema['tracks']
>>> tracks.query()
'SELECT * FROM tracks;'
>>> tracks.shape
(3503, 9)
  • Manipulate
>>> songs = tracks.merge(schema['albums'])\
...               .merge(schema['artists'].rename({'Name': 'ArtistName'}),\
...                      on='ArtistId',\
...                      how='left')\
...               [['Name', 'ArtistName']]
>>> songs.query() # actualy plain line will returned, displayed string was pretified manualy
	tracks.Name, artists.Name AS ArtistName
FROM tracks
	INNER JOIN albums ON tracks.AlbumId=albums.AlbumId
	LEFT JOIN artists ON albums.ArtistId=artists.ArtistId
>>> print(songs.head())
 Name                                    | ArtistName
 --------------------------------------- | ----------
 For Those About To Rock (We Salute You) | AC/DC
 Put The Finger On You                   | AC/DC
 Let's Get It Up                         | AC/DC
 Inject The Venom                        | AC/DC
 Snowballed                              | AC/DC
 ======================================= | ==========
>>> iron_songs = songs[songs['ArtistName'] == 'Iron Maiden']
>>> print("Percent of 'Iron Maiden' songs is",\
...       '%0.1f%%' % (100 * iron_songs.shape[0] / songs.shape[0]))
Percent of 'Iron Maiden' songs is 6.1%
  • Overview schema
>>> print(schema)
albums artists customers employees genres invoices invoice_items media_types playlists playlist_track tracks
AlbumId ArtistId CustomerId EmployeeId GenreId InvoiceId InvoiceLineId MediaTypeId PlaylistId PlaylistId TrackId
Title Name FirstName LastName Name CustomerId InvoiceId Name Name TrackId Name
ArtistId LastName FirstName InvoiceDate TrackId AlbumId
Company Title BillingAddress UnitPrice MediaTypeId
Address ReportsTo BillingCity Quantity GenreId
City BirthDate BillingState Composer
State HireDate BillingCountry Milliseconds
Country Address BillingPostalCode Bytes
PostalCode City Total UnitPrice
Phone State
Fax Country
Email PostalCode
SupportRepId Phone