This is a my personal research about how to implement and use B-tree. Not that world needs more b-trees implementions, just it turned out to be fun. To make research somewhat close to real life tasks here is leader board problem.
Leader board service receives network requests with information about users's recent earned points. The service must add these points to users's score and returns his current position in leader board and 10 his neighbours above and below.
"user": "Bob"
"points": 12.24125
Assuming Bob earned 100 points before here is an example response
{ "user": "John", "points": 112.54, "position": 32},
{ "user": "Kate", "points": 112.34, "position": 33},
{ "user": "Bob", "points": 112.24125, "position": 34},
{ "user": "Daniel", "points": 112.24125, "position": 35},
{ "user": "Lilly", "points": 112.22, "position": 36},
Note that Bob & Daniel have identical number of points. As Bob earned 112.24125 most recently, so he goes above Daniel.
b-tree implemented (no concurrent support yet)
benchmark code is written for:
measuring insertions rates
comparing insertion with heap structure
comparing insertion with Redis
for measuring the whole service the yandex tank tool is used
- currently it's no able to 10k rps load
implement correct response:
add position
show neighbours
fix locking for concurrent insertions
implement benchmark code for:
- measuring upsert after b-tree already has 10 millions of items
For more detailed information, how perfomance is measured go to test/
Here is insertion rate comparison with Redis
As b-tree can have multiple values in one leaf, here is comparsion for different b-tree configurations. Turned out that the more values you have in one leaf, the slower is b-tree. This needs more thorough research why it's like that.