In the project's
:- remove
- remove all the eslint rules packages
- remove
- run
npm install @keplr/eslint-config-backend-node
- remove
"prettier": "@keplr/eslint-config-backend-node/prettierrc.json"
to package.json -
Remove the prettierrc
Replace the .eslintrc file by :
{ "root": true, "parserOptions": { "project": "./tsconfig.json" }, "extends": ["@keplr/eslint-config-backend-node"], "rules": {}, "reportUnusedDisableDirectives": true }
This package will likely highlight many problems in your project that may take a long time to fix.
We recommend that you proceed in steps:
- Fix the auto-fixable problems and check that the fixes are right
- Ignore all the remaining errors with
// eslint-disable-next-line
(see below for an automated way) - As the code is changed, fix the remaining errors
Note: you can run these commands to ignore all the errors:
npm run lint -- -f json -o warnings.json
node fix.js
fix.js (very strongly inspired from https://stackoverflow.com/a/23930212):
const json = require('./warnings.json');
const fs = require('fs');
json.forEach(({ filePath, messages, source }) => {
// if there is no source we have nothing that needs to be eslint-ignore'd
if (!source) {
const data = source.split('\n');
// if the source has multiple lines which need to be eslint-ignored our offset changes per addition
// offset is 1 because line numbers start at 1 but index numbers in an array start at 0
let offset = 1;
// group errors/warnings by line because we want to have one eslint disable comment with all the rules to disable
const groupedMessages = messages.reduce((acc, next) => {
const prevMessages = acc[next.line] ? acc[next.line] : [];
// some lines may have the same rule twice
const duplicateRuleForLine = prevMessages.find(
message => message.ruleId === next.ruleId,
// ignore jsx and graphql lint rules
const applicableRule =
next.ruleId &&
!next.ruleId.includes('jsx') &&
// ignore the eslint-ignore addition for duplicates and non applicable rules
if (duplicateRuleForLine || !applicableRule) {
return acc;
return {
[next.line]: [...prevMessages, next],
}, {});
Object.entries(groupedMessages).forEach(([line, messages]) => {
// grouped ignores
const ignore = `// eslint-disable-next-line ${messages
.map(({ ruleId }) => ruleId)
.join(', ')} -- auto-ignored when updating eslint`;
data.splice(line - offset, 0, ignore);
const updated = data.join('\n');
fs.writeFile(filePath, updated, function (err) {
if (err) return console.log(err);