- 1
- 11
When user successfully logged in once, callback returns status connected in popup close
#341 opened by kavish-peiris - 0
Login issues
#374 opened by Softlyflu1 - 0
autoload not appending scope to url
#373 opened by jiacob - 1
I'm getting below issue onclick on facebook button
#372 opened by Proj007 - 4
Legacy peer dependencies
#366 opened by barbodco - 3
- 0
can't able to login
#370 opened by neetable-hasmat - 1
Picture url opens 404
#369 opened by aidening - 7
Installation error on react@17.0.1
#320 opened by 19sajib - 0
#368 opened by ariKetamineghK - 0
Iphone Safari browser "Facebook has detected MySite isn't using a secure connection to transfer information" error
#367 opened by enesbek - 5
Unable to get the required redirect_uri
#326 opened by FSocietyLK - 0
Open new tab instead popup option
#365 opened by mateus-oliveira - 2
- 0
Mailparser :: Nodemailer
#363 opened by gowol64 - 0
403 Forbidden
#362 opened by gowol64 - 0
#361 opened by gowol64 - 0
Iniciar sesión en Facebook | Facebook
#360 opened by gowol64 - 3
- 1
react-facebook-login not working, after successfull login its redirecting to callback oauth url and give code param in the URI
#357 opened by Sundaram1911 - 4
TypeError: window.FB.login is not a function
#349 opened by longtkhd - 3
on desktop working ,but not on mobile device
#343 opened by pb911 - 0
Facebook Login is currently unavailable for this app, since we are updating additional details for this app?
#356 opened by antlysis-js - 1
How can I logout after logined
#328 opened by wann2 - 1
Facebook Login not working on Safari Browser Macos
#354 opened by root27 - 3
Facebook login button got disable after first click
#332 opened by Rizwankmc - 9
Singin Callback response is not coming up
#322 opened by djosephranjith - 0
- 0
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Failed to fetch after button click and a quick popup flicker.
#351 opened by bigyanpaudel - 0
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 4
Multiple Facebook App Id is not supporting in one React App on different routes.
#335 opened by DeepakSingh17 - 1
- 3
Scope not working
#344 opened by rhd-chris - 2
- 9
Support for React 17
#340 opened by Rohan-Rajesh - 3
Facebook login not working Safari "URL Blocked: This redirect failed because the redirect URI is not whitelisted in the app’s Client OAuth Settings."
#333 opened by frankydch - 0
checkLoginAfterRefresh should check for isMobile
#342 opened by ieow - 2
when fb login popup closed by window close button then callback or onFailure props is not getting triggered.
#339 opened by akram-raza-git - 6
Warning: componentWillReceiveProps has been renamed, and is not recommended for use.
#321 opened by wladimirtester - 3
Error with next.js, Error: Uncaught Invariant Violation: Minified invariant #47458;
#338 opened by botolonltd - 5
Error with next.js, Error: Uncaught Invariant Violation: Minified invariant #47458;
#337 opened by botolonltd - 1
State params
#334 opened by sebauru87 - 3
Facebook Login Popup auto opens for any path containing qurey param "code"
#327 opened by tabishmahfuz1 - 3
Getting error in console
#324 opened by stesvis - 20
Facebook login button doesn't able to load SDK
#325 opened by dd0xin - 0
Login Error on click
#319 opened by Terribleangel