
This is a web application I developed for Thailand's National Electronic and Computer Technology Center to showcase their machine learning algorithm.

Primary LanguageVue


Project details

Image files are being used from file selection (see section below)
App name can be changed in the the headline of the Panel component in Home.vue List of answers is put into choicesArray in AnswerCloud.vue but can be sent to choices in Home.vue

  • there is placeholder answers in there for testing

The correct answer can be received from the server-side (no request methods yet) into data field realAnswer in file Home.vue
The player's answer is received from the player's choice in AnswerCloud.vue to answer in Home.vue

The AI's answer can be changed by accessing the data field AIanswer in Home.vue

The Reveal button can only be used once, and then it disappears
User picks out answer from word cloud in the bottom right of the panel

Percentage of image increases if the player chooses the wrong answer, from 20% to 40%, then 40% to 60%.
If player gets the answer correct, the results will be shown and the full image will be revealed.
If the player chooses the wrong answer at 60%, then the round is over and full image will be shown.

The player can go to the NEXT image if their answer is correct or if they've answered wrong 3 times

  • doesn't refresh the page
  • it only resets the values in data and the canvas to their defaults
  • the overall progress (score and names) should be saved until the page is refreshed or reset button is pressed

The score is calculated based on the formula: 10*(60-time(s))
This means if the guess takes 30 seconds or longer, the score received is 0

How images are saved to program

  1. images are selected by the file browser
  2. image data is saved as blobs to localStorage (client-side, and browser limits torage size to 5MB)
  3. randomized selection pulled from localStorage and displayed
  • Oversized images (bigger than 800x1000px) are shrunk
  • will have to match this to answer from text file somehow

The x,y position of the clipped image is clipX and clipY in LoadImage.vue
The width and height of the clipped image is drawWidth and drawHeight in LoadImage.vue

  • can be sent to AI for info


  • prevent randomizer from picking same number twice (pick number from array and delete)
  • UI overhaul: big player names above answer boxes, big timer between names and counts down from 15s
  • add number of rounds; begin by showing 20% of image; each round if answer is wrong, then show bigger % of image (20 -> 40 -> 60)

Additional packages added include:

  • Slim Dialog for VueJS
  • VeeValidate

Project setup

yarn install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn run build

Run your tests

yarn run test

Lints and fixes files

yarn run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.