The Behat Tokenizer allows you to set and utilize tokens in your Behat test suite.

Installing Behat Tokenizer

Install the Behat tokenizer using Composer:

$> composer require --dev kerasai/behat-tokenizer

Configuring Behat Tokenizer

Add the TokenizerExtension class to the behat.yml file and tokens will be processed.

    Kerasai\Behat\Tokenizer\TokenizerExtension: { }

Using Behat Tokenizer in Contexts

To utilize the Behat Tokenizer in context classes, simple implement \Kerasai\Behat\Tokenizer\TokenizerAwareInterface and the context will have its ::setTokenizer method called with the tokenizer.

Additionally you may use \Kerasai\Behat\Tokenizer\TokenizerAwareTrait to easily implement the interface.

From there you may access the tokenizer within the context:


use \Kerasai\Behat\Tokenizer\TokenizerAwareInterface;
use \Kerasai\Behat\Tokenizer\TokenizerAwareTrait;

class MyContext implements TokenizerAwareInterface {
  use TokenizerAwareTrait;
   * @Given something named :arg1
  public function AssertSomethingNamed($arg1) {
    $something = new Something();
    $this->tokenizer->setToken("[something:$arg1]", $something->id());

The token will be processed for all arguments within Behat features:

Feature: View a something
  In order see something
  As an visitor to the website
  I need to view pages with somthing

  Scenario: Something page
    Given something named "great_thing"
    When I am on "something/[something:great_thing]"
    Then I should see the heading "great_thing"

Custom Token Replacers

In addition to explicit token setting and replacement, custom replacer classes may be implemented to perform token replacement.

Replacer classes must implement \Kerasai\Behat\Tokenizer\Replacer\ReplacerInterface and may extend \Kerasai\Behat\Tokenizer\Replacer\ReplacerBase for convenience.

See \Kerasai\Behat\Tokenizer\Replacer\TimestampReplacer.

In order to utilize the custom replacer classes, they must be exposed to the Behat Tokenizer in the behat.yml configuration. In the simplest form, just the class name may be utilized.

        - Kerasai\Behat\Tokenizer\Replacer\TimestampReplacer:
            timezone: 'America/New_York'
        - Custom\Replacer\ReplacerNoConfig
        - Custom\Replacer\ReplacerWithConfig:
            config_option_1: abc
            config_option_2: def
        - special_key:
            class: Custom\Replacer\ReplacerHasSpecialKey
            config_option_1: abc
            config_option_2: def