
Express API Starter simplifies the process of creating an Express API for developers, with pre-configured settings and useful libraries included. It's open source on GitHub for customization and contribution.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Express API Starter

This is a starter project for building an Express API using TypeScript. It includes several useful libraries and packages to help you get started quickly.

Getting Started

To get started with this project, you'll need to do the following:

Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/kerdash/express-api-starter Install the dependencies: npm install or yarn install Start the server: npm start or yarn start Navigate to http://localhost:3000 to see the server running


This project includes several scripts to help you develop and run the server:

  • npm run start or yarn start: starts the server using ts-node and logs requests using pino-pretty.

  • npm run dev or yarn dev: starts the server using nodemon and logs requests using pino-pretty.

  • npm run lint or yarn lint: runs the linter using eslint.

  • npm run lint:fix or yarn lint:fix runs the linter and fixes any fixable issues using eslint --fix.

Libraries and Packages

This project includes several useful libraries and packages, including:

  • cors: middleware to enable CORS.
  • dotenv: loads environment variables from a .env file.
  • express: web framework for Node.js.
  • express-async-errors: middleware to handle errors in async functions.
  • express-promise-router: router for handling promises in Express.
  • express-validator: middleware for validating and sanitizing input.
  • helmet: middleware to add security headers.
  • i18n: internationalization library.
  • jsonwebtoken: library for creating and verifying JSON Web Tokens.
  • mongoose: object modeling library for MongoDB.
  • morgan: middleware for logging HTTP requests.
  • nodemailer: library for sending emails.
  • pino: fast and low overhead logger.
  • pino-pretty: pretty-printer for Pino logs.
  • winston: versatile logging library.


This project includes features for user authentication, including:

  • User sign up: users can create a new account by providing their name, email, and password.
  • User login: users can log in to their account by providing their email and password.
  • Password reset: users can reset their password code sent to their email.

cp .env.sample .env

This project includes a .env.sample file that contains sample environment variables. To use this file, copy it to a new file called .env using the following command: cp .env.sample .env This command copies the contents of the .env.sample file to a new file called .env in the same directory. You can then customize the environment variables in the .env file to fit your needs.

Developed By

** Hassan Kerdash **


This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.