Mastermind is a fun board game. This program makes it possible to play the game against computer or run famous algorithms as playing computer.

User can select the game mode with console interactions. Given user wants to play as computer she can select the algorithm from algoritms avaliable. But more importantly she can extend the algorithms easily thanks to the flexibility of the program by override the IStrategy class by just implementing a guess function.

Currently only two algorihms implemented.

Donalds Knuth's miniMax algorithm which avarages to 4.81 seconds after 100 trials and Swaszek's simple algoritm which always wins but avarages to 5.82.

For reading the code UnitTests can help a lot which can run by calling the binary with option "-t".

I example game between human code breaker vs computer code keeper can be seen below:


Codebreaker please select your strategy by pressing:

(1)-Play as Human

(2)-Minimax algorithm developed by Donald Knuth will be play by computer

(3)-Swaszek algorithm which requires no bookkeeping and still wins


Please input your guess to konsole in form of integers.1122

Code breaker's 0. guess was 112**2

Code maker's judgement: 1 black 0 white

Please input your guess to konsole in form of integers.1133

Code breaker's 1. guess was 113**3

Code maker's judgement: 0 black 0 white

Please input your guess to konsole in form of integers.4422

Code breaker's 2. guess was 442**2

Code maker's judgement: 1 black 0 white

Please input your guess to konsole in form of integers.5526

Code breaker's 3. guess was 552**6

Code maker's judgement: 2 black 2 white

Please input your guess to konsole in form of integers.6525

Code breaker's 4. guess was 652**5

Code maker's judgement: 2 black 2 white

Please input your guess to konsole in form of integers.5625

Code breaker's 5. guess was 562**5

Code maker's judgement: 4 black 0 white

You won!! It took you : 5 rounds

Process finished with exit code 0