STARS League Game for CS319 Course Project
“STARS League” is a football game similar to “Football Manager”. User plays as a manager who can control his team by changing its tactics, swapping players, etc. Also, the user has an opportunity to view groups, elimination stages, fixture, football players, man of the match, top goal scorers. Thus, user can do changes better for his own team in order to improve his team.
In our game firstly, 32 teams are distributed into 8 groups equally. All teams who have participated in group stage play with 3 other teams which are in their own group twice in the group stages. If the user’s team becomes 1st or 2nd in his own group, then he passes to elimination stage where there are 16 teams in total. This elimination stage consist of teams which finished their groups first or second. Again, the teams play with their opponents twice, except the final round. If the user’s team beats his opponent at the final round, he becomes “Champion of STARS League” and our game would be over. If the user’s team is eliminated on the group stage or elimination stage our game would be over and user would have chance to start new game.
In our game the players attributions could be seen from manager. Attributions decides the player’s overall skill, which affects the player’s performance in the game. Therefore a manager should choose true players for games to increase his success rate.
In the football match, user can see the minutes passing through and events happening in that moment at the same time. Also user can change tactics and players while match is going on. These events may affect the result of the game. To be a champion of a STARS League, user should select his tactics wisely in every game.
Team Members
Kerem Ayöz --
Yılmaz Berkay Beken --
Babanazar Gutlygeldiyev --
Metehan Kaya --