
A sample movie search service that uses mock data.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Movie Search service

A sample service intended to demonstrate a microservices environment. This service allows one to search for movies with a specified genre and revenues higher than the provided number. The results are provided as movie ids only.

REST Endpoint

This service exposes a REST endpoint:

For batched support:

  GET /movies?genre=Drama&revenue=1000000&limit=5&offset=1

Here the query params are:

genre: Matches the genre of the movie. Only single genre is allowed.

revenue: Matches revenues greater than what is specified here.

You can provide a limit and offset as parameters as well. Max limit is 100.

  • If you provide an offset and limit, where offset + limit > total amount of results available, you will only get results up to the total available. The limit value in the metadata will be the count of results returned.
  • If you provide an offset that is larger than the total amount of results available, you will only get 1 result. The limit value in the metadata will be 1, which is the count of results returned. The offset value in the metadata will be total results - 1.

And the response is: (where the data is an array of movie ids)

    "metadata": {
        "offset": 1,
        "limit": 5,
        "total": 54
    "data": [

To get a full list of genres:

    GET /genres

which will return:

        "id": 28,
        "name": "Action"
        "id": 12,
        "name": "Adventure"
        "id": 16,
        "name": "Animation"
        "id": 35,
        "name": "Comedy"
        "id": 80,
        "name": "Crime"
        "id": 99,
        "name": "Documentary"
        "id": 18,
        "name": "Drama"
        "id": 10751,
        "name": "Family"
        "id": 14,
        "name": "Fantasy"
        "id": 36,
        "name": "History"
        "id": 27,
        "name": "Horror"
        "id": 10402,
        "name": "Music"
        "id": 9648,
        "name": "Mystery"
        "id": 10749,
        "name": "Romance"
        "id": 878,
        "name": "Science Fiction"
        "id": 10770,
        "name": "TV Movie"
        "id": 53,
        "name": "Thriller"
        "id": 10752,
        "name": "War"
        "id": 37,
        "name": "Western"


Following ENV variables are available:

SERVICE_NAME: movie-search (Default)

FAIL_PERCENT: 0.3 (Default) - Indicates the percent of time this service will simulate a failure (500 response). This is used to simulate failures so that you can test retries, circuit breakers etc.