
This is a sign up example for Axum, NextJS (with TS and MUI) and PostsgreSQL.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Axum - PostgreSQL - NextJS (with MUI)

This is a full-stack example app with Rust's Axum framework, PostgreSQL, NextJS (with TypeScript and MUI).

After completing the installation steps below, you can send a sign up request from frontend to your Axum backend to insert the user data to the database. And the app sends a dummy mail to the user who signed up.

That's all.


Since this is a full stack example, the installation might take a while. Especially the database.

Step 1 - Configure the backend

This and the front end is very easy. Just go to /backend directory and run cargo install. Then run the backend with cargo watch -x run and wait for the program to be compiled.

Edit .env file

You need to edit the .env file to change these four parameters:


Use this format for the entry DATABASE:

"host=localhost user={YOUR_USER} password='{YOUR_PASSWORD}' port={YOUR_PORT (5432 is default for psql)} dbname={YOUR_DB_NAME}"

Please mind the spaces between the parameters. For more information, check the official tokio_postgres example.

SMTP_USERNAME is the Gmail email addresss you want to use. SMTP_PASSWORD is the password of the app password for the Gmail address.

SENDER can be anything but it's usually the name of your app.

Step 2 - Configure the frontend

I used the official NextJS template for Material UI. So if the files like Link.tsx or _document.tsx don't make sense, this is because I didn't create them but take them from the template.

Just install the packages using npm i and run the app with npm run dev. It will open the app on localhost:3000.

Edit .env file

You need to edit .env file to declare the backend. I used localhost:5000, you can change it to whatever port you want.

Configure the database

I used PostgreSQL for this example. If you use a different database it's totally fine but you need to edit the backend accordingly. This guide only for Postgres example.

First of all make sure that PostgreSQL is installed on your system. Then run the postgresql service if it's not actively running.

After creating the user and the database, just run the command in schemas.sql file to create the user schema. That's all for database.


After completing these steps successfully, you can send a request from the frontend using the form there and check the database if the user is created and check the user's inbox if the email is sent.

Please feel free to create an issue if you notice an error.