
Primary LanguageDart

Chatly-Chat App

Chatly-Chat App

The Chatly project is an application that enables users to message each other. This project encompasses the following features:

  • Secure messaging
  • Instant message sending and receiving
  • Providing user message seen indicators
  • Adding and removing users
  • Sending and receiving real-time notifications

The structures I've worked on and learned in this project:

  • Sending and receiving notifications
  • Clean code
  • Flutter Bloc State Management
  • MVVM Architecture
  • Cloud Messaging and Database in Firebase

Chatly-Chat App

Sign Up - Add User - Login

sign_up add_user login




  • animated_splash_screen
  • auto_route
  • auto_size_text
  • cloud_firestore
  • cupertino_icons
  • equatable
  • firebase_auth
  • firebase_core
  • firebase_messaging
  • firebase_storage
  • flutter_bloc
  • flutter_dotenv
  • flutter_local_notifications
  • flutter_svg
  • form_builder_validators
  • google_fonts
  • http
  • image_gallery_saver
  • image_picker
  • intl
  • lottie
  • palette
  • shared_preferences
  • shimmer


  • In order to run and use the application smoothly, you need to install firebase yourself.