
Dotfiles of my personal Arch Linux setup,

Do What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL

Nightsky, my personal Arch Linux setup


What is it based on?

Nightsky includes various resources from other projects, like:

Installation and setup

Clone the repo locally. Since it includes submodules from my own forks to preserve licenses, make sure to clone recursively:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/kerichdev/nightfiles

Firstly, you should install the packages. Open a terminal of choice (Will be replaced with alacritty), and install your favorite AUR helper. Mine is yay, so i will go by it.

To install the packages needed for the setup, go to the directory where you cloned the repo, and do:

yay -S - < deplist.nightsky

Then follow the steps your AUR helper gives you.

Before going further, you can try running confirm_install.sh to make sure if everything had installed properly, and if it hadn't, the script will re-run the installation of missing packages for you.

The deplist may be incomplete! If you notice something not working, feel free to add any packages into the list, and I will see if I did, in fact, miss them.

Then, move the contents of the repo .config folder, to your .config folder in $HOME (/home/YOUR_USERNAME/.config/).


Betterlockscreen requires some additonal setup. First of all, once you copy the config and the wallpaper to their respective folders, generate a lockscreen pre-render:

betterlockscreen -u ~/Wallpapers/tropic_island_night.jpg

Then, enable the systemd service for automatic lock-on-suspend:

systemctl enable betterlockscreen@$USER


Because of how btop handles configs, before I make an installation script, to apply the catppuccin theme you have to do one of the following:

  1. Open btop, click Esc, choose Themes and find Catppuccin. Choose it, and you're good to go.

  2. Open btop.conf in the btop config folder, and change the $USER in the color_theme line to your username.


First of all, refer to the installation methods of oh-my-zsh. Only replace the oh-my-zsh.sh in $HOME/.oh-my-zsh after it is installed.

Then, look for all aur-installed plugins in /usr/share/zsh/plugins.

Simply copy the zsh-autosuggestions and zsh-syntax-highlighting to $HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins.

The powerlevel10k theme is located in /usr/share under zsh-theme-powerlevel10k - copy it to $HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes, and rename the folder to powerlevel10k.

bluetooth: experimentals

For proper battery percentage display with the bt.sh module from polybar, you will have to add the --experimental flag to bluetooth.service.:

  1. sudo systemctl edit --full bluetooth.service

  2. To the end of the ExecStart line, append --experimental flag

  3. Save, and restart the service: systemctl restart bluetooth.service

KEEP IN MIND, THE REPO IS EXTREMELY INCOMPLETE, I'M WORKING ON FINISHING IT UP. You'll probably have to set up a lot of stuff yourself