A simple command line tool written in Golang for controlling Elgato Key Lights and Key Light Airs.
$ go install github.com/kerinin/keylight@latest
Clone this repo first
$ git clone https://github.com/kerinin/keylight.git
$ cd keylight
Run Go Install
$ go install
or Build and move the binary to your PATH
$ go build -v .
$ mv keylight /usr/local/bin/
$ keylight command [command options]
$ keylight switch [command options]
# or
$ keylight s [command options]
# Examples
$ keylight s # Toggle all lights ON or OFF
$ keylight s --on # Switch on all lights. Same as `keylight s -o`
$ keylight s -o -b 15 # Switch on all lights, and set brightness to 15
$ keylight s -o -b 100 -t 4000 # Switch on all lights, and set brightness to 100 and temperature to 4000 kelvin
$ keylight s -o -b 25 -t 7000 --timeout 5 # Switch on all lights, and set brightness to 25 and temperature to 7000 kelvin. Wait 5 seconds before timing out
$ keylight s -o -l E855 -b 25 -t 7000 # Switch on a specific light, and set brightness to 25 and temperature to 7000 kelvin.
$ keylight s -o -l E855 # Switch on a specific light
$ keylight s -p warm # Switch on a specific preset
--light value, -l value ID, example E859, for the light to control. If not provided all lights will be updated (default: "all")
--on, -o Switch light on. If not provided the light power state will be toggled based on last state (default: false)
--brightness value, -b value Set brightness of the lights (0 to 100) (default: -1)
--temperature value, -t value Set temperature of the lights in kelvin (3000 to 7000) (default: -1)
--preset value, -p value Switch on and set a preset temperature and brigtness.
Values: [warm warm-50 warm-100 cool cool-50 cool-100 normal normal-50 normal-100]
--timeout value Timeout for light discovery in seconds (default: 2)
--help, -h show help (default: false)
Light id is the last part in the Name when you run keylight list
$ keylight list [command options]
# or
$ keylight l [command options]
--timeout value Timeout in seconds (default: 2)
--help, -h show help (default: false)
| Name | Power State | Brightness | Temperature | Address |
| Elgato\ Key\ Light\ Air\ E859 | on | 10 | 331 (3021 K) | elgato-key-light-air-e859.local.:9123 |
Run keylight command --help
for info about flags specific to a command