A simple wrapper around the manifold markets API: https://docs.manifold.markets/api
// commonjs/`require()` is not supported.
// you make need to set `"type": "module"` in your package.json and something
// like `"module": "ESNext"` and `"moduleResolution": "node"` in your tsconfig
import { Manifold } from "manifold-sdk";
// you may omit the api key if you're not making authed requests.
// The SDK will hit dev.manifold.markets, unless NODE_ENV is set to "production"
const manifold = new Manifold("YOUR_API_KEY");
await manifold.getMe(); // returns JSON
const market = await manifold.createMarket({
description: "test description",
outcomeType: "BINARY",
question: "test question",
closeTime: Date.now() + 1000000,
initialProb: 33,
}); // returns JSON
const bet = await manifold.createBet({
contractId: market.id,
amount: 100,
outcome: "YES",
// etc.
- for full documentation, see Manifold's documentation or use your IDE to explore the available methods/arguments/return values.
- throws an error if the API returns a 4XX or 5XX
- logs to console in development
- introducing classes representing objects such as users, markets, and bets, with convenience methods.
- better types
- use older version of node-fetch, to support commonjs
- or just demand that the user supplies fetch, enable usage in browser
yarn start
# elsewhere:
yarn add manifold-sdk@portal:<path_to_this_dir>