[验证码识别-训练] This project is based on CNN/ResNet/DenseNet+GRU/LSTM+CTC/CrossEntropy to realize verification code identification. This project is only for training the model.
- 1524701427
- a708900779
- amibaren
- ayancy
- bo3enwangFlorida
- chichumeng
- cuitxubinChengDu
- daimonhunter
- DH-heima
- ericdd
- fanweiya
- hpeng526Shenzhen, China
- Hsury@jumptrading
- jdnull
- jn5dhua
- JoffreyNc
- JunruiGong
- kingyang
- LAsbun
- linkyuji
- liumingzhuo
- lucienzhuThe University of Hong Kong
- mol310Nanning GuangXi
- monkeym4ster
- nadoo
- nmweizi
- Oliviaophia
- peasshoter
- waters194HangZhou
- webeasyplay
- xmkxabc
- XueKXNanJing
- yeahydqSCUT univeristy
- yuexiajiao
- zheshilixin
- zileyuanShanghai