This project illustrates how to embed Grobid (grobid) in your Java application. This example project is using GROBID Java API for extracting header metadata and citations from a PDF and output the results in BibTex format.
The simplest is to install first and build Grobid locally, see this link: Build the project
Via maven, this will deploy the Grobid artifact in your local maven repository. This will also create a jar file under: grobid-core/build/libs/grobid-core-<current version>
The grobid library should be available via your local maven repo, but if necessary, you can also copy the Grobid jar library under grobid-example/lib
cp grobid-core/build/libs/grobid-core-`<current version>`.jar `path_to_grobid_example`/grobid-example/lib
As an alternative your pom can use the Grobid jar artefact loaded on Jitpack, see below.
In any cases, you need a local grobid-home
copy. The paths to grobid-home and to the config file grobid.yaml file must be changed in the project property file: grobid-example/
according to your installation, for instance:
You can then build and test the example project:
mvn install
Extracting the header of a PDF file and outputting the result in the BibTeX file out.bib
can be obtained with command:
mvn exec:exec -Pprocess_header_bibtex -Dpdf=src/test/resources/Wang_paperAVE2008.pdf -Dbib=out.bib
Extracting the citations of a PDF file and outputting the results in the BibTeX file out.bib
mvn exec:exec -Pprocess_citation_bibtex -Dpdf=src/test/resources/Wang_paperAVE2008.pdf -Dbib=out.bib
If you would like to run GROBID with consolidation thanks to CrossRef DOI service, add the following parameter (be sure to indicate your CrossRef account credentials in the GROBID main project file grobid/grobid-home/config/
mvn exec:exec -Pprocess_citation_bibtex -Dpdf=src/test/resources/Wang_paperAVE2008.pdf -Dbib=out.bib -Dconsolidation=true
Extracting the header of all the PDF files in a given repertory and outputting the result in BibTeX files .bib
mvn exec:exec -Pprocess_header_bibtex -Dpdf=src/test/resources/pdf/ -Dbib=src/test/resources/bib/
Extracting the citations of all the PDF files in a given repertory and outputting the result in BibTeX files .bib
mvn exec:exec -Pprocess_citation_bibtex -Dpdf=src/test/resources/pdf/ -Dbib=src/test/resources/bib/
If you would like to run GROBID with consolidation thanks to CrossRef DOI service, add the following parameter (be sure to indicate your CrossRef account credentials in the GROBID main project file grobid/grobid-home/config/
mvn exec:exec -Pprocess_citation_bibtex -Dpdf=src/test/resources/pdf/ -Dbib=src/test/resources/bib/ -Dconsolidation=true
We describe below how Grobid is used in this example project. You can use this project as a skeleton to implement your own Grobid process or as an illustration to use Grobid in an existing/new project.
When using maven, if you want to call GROBID library without a local build of GROBID, you need to include in your pom file Jitpack as repository and the GROBID dependency, for instance as follow (replace 0.7.3
by the valid <current version>
<name>GROBID DIY repo</name>
When using Grobid, you have to initiate a context with the path to the Grobid resources, the following class give an example of usage:
import org.grobid.core.*;
import org.grobid.core.factory.*;
import org.grobid.core.utilities.*;
import org.grobid.core.engines.Engine;
import org.grobid.core.main.GrobidHomeFinder;
String pdfPath = "mypdffile.pdf";
try {
String pGrobidHome = "/Users/lopez/grobid/grobid-home";
GrobidHomeFinder grobidHomeFinder = new GrobidHomeFinder(Arrays.asList(pGrobidHome));
System.out.println(">>>>>>>> GROBID_HOME=" + GrobidProperties.get_GROBID_HOME_PATH());
Engine engine = GrobidFactory.getInstance().createEngine();
// Biblio object for the result
BiblioItem resHeader = new BiblioItem();
String tei = engine.processHeader(pdfPath, false, resHeader);
catch (Exception e) {
// if an exception is generated, print a stack trace
The context paths (pGrobidHome
) can be set by a property file, or for a web application by a web.xml
file (see for instance grobid-service
in the grobid project).